Is it normal that i can’t love anyone else?

I’ve was inlove with a man for 2 years and I think I have fallen out of love w him as it had been a long distance relationship for 6 months now. He wasn’t the most loyal and that made me turned off of him but I find myself still attached to him and my mood is often dependent on how often we talk although we are just friends now. Ever since we broke up I haven’t been able to have feelings for anyone and I just don’t wanna be without love forever.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • newnormal

    It sounds like you have been going through a difficult time emotionally as you navigate your feelings for your former partner. Long distance relationships can be challenging, and it's understandable that his lack of loyalty may have contributed to your feelings of detachment. However, it's important to remember that it's normal to have lingering feelings for someone after a relationship ends, and it can take time for those feelings to fade.

    In the meantime, it might be helpful to focus on self-care and self-discovery. It's important to take the time to understand your own needs and wants, and to take care of yourself emotionally and physically. This can include activities such as exercise, spending time with friends and family, reading, and doing things that bring you joy.

    It's also important to remember that moving on doesn't mean forgetting the past, it means accepting it and learning from it. Give yourself time and space to heal and focus on yourself, and when the time is right, you will be open to new love and new experiences.

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    • yuhmuddaman

      ur so right I’ve stopped talking to him and I’m now trying to focus on myself <3

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      • newnormal

        The most crucial aspect is to maintain distance from your ex. It's not necessary to remain friends with them, as it often leads to issues. There's no benefit to being friends with your former partner. There's no need to have contact or concern yourself with their well-being. Sometimes, people in failed relationships might think that their partner needs help after the split. But, in reality, they may manipulate your empathy for their own benefit.

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  • kikilizzo

    Yes thats normal. Been close friends an ex myself and its pretty normal then, especially when you're young, for feelings or attraction to come and go between both people since you were once in love. That's why it's no good idea to stay friends, it basically only works if you were never very in love with the person to begin with. You will never be able to fully move on as long as you're in touch, and your entire mood being dependant on him is not love but infatuation. Love is healthy but infatuation is based on nothing but obsession. Your brain also most likely focuses on the good parts of the relationship. Remember how he was unfaithful to you instead and focus on that, because that's the reality. Just the fact that you gloss over that shows it's not love. Attachment isn't love, it's just being very used to someone so much so that it's weird to be without them.
    You wouldn't love someone who clearly does not respect you and psychologically speaking his bad behaviour most likely triggers something in you that makes you feel you need to win him over and get him to care about you, likely to make up for something from your childhood yadayada... Just move on, unless your goal in life is to be obsessed with a lowlife cheater instead of finding someone who might care about you.

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    • yuhmuddaman

      Thank you this was very helpful <3

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Probably a normal part of getting over someone. But you could need outside help like SLAA or something.

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