Is it normal that i am in pain all the time?

I am in my mid-30's and I am in severe pain every day. Typically, it is in my joints, but I have it in my bones and muscles as well. I am 5'4" and weigh about 215 lbs. Yes, I know I am overweight, but I'm not grotesquely obese. I don't have a structured exercise program, but I am not a couch potato. I work retail and am active and on my feet 8 hours a day. But at the end of the day, I can barely walk and I am in so much pain I sometimes cry. I have seen several doctors (GP, neurologist, rheumatologist, etc.) about this, and mostly they dismiss it, or worse, treat me like a drug seeker (I never ask for drugs, and I'm allergic to narcotics). One doctor did run blood tests to check for immune problems, inflammatory markers, etc., but everything came back normal. The doctors told me feeling this way isn't odd and that I must just be tired, I need to exercise more, and that I just need to lose some weight. My hands hurt so bad I can no longer crochet or cross stitch. Is this really normal like my doctors insist?

Voting Results
14% Normal
Based on 7 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • charli.m

    The fuck happened to the comment threads on here?

    I got a notification of a message from OP...I don't see any new comment, but something fucked up...

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  • charli.m

    Ugh. Glad you found someone decent. They seem few and far between.

    I think that's being way too kind :P but didn't really have much of a "choice" last election.

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  • charli.m

    Oh Lord...I had tramadol when I had a herniated disc. Turns out I'm allergic. Was hideous. Only thing I can take for pain is codeine...but it's not something I want to take often. We can get it over the counter here. For the next year, anyway.

    Glad the Epsom helps. Magnesium oil is a more easily absorbed form of magnesium - it's not actually an oil. It's a solution of magnesium chloride. You can also have baths using the mag chlor salts. It may not help, but it's something.

    Weight is a complicated issue. It's similar here in Australia, but to my knowledge, there are more doctors who are actually willing to put the time and effort into finding the cause instead of making assumptions. Our healthcare system being so different from yours is probably a start.

    Fuck, I'm going to miss half way decent healthcare :/

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  • charli.m

    No worries, I can see how what I said could be misinterpreted.

    Yeah. I can see why a lazy doctor would say that weightloss is the best solution. And perhaps it is...but surely it would benefit the patient to rule out any other issues, instead of waiting to see?

    I'm assuming you and OP are American. American doctors sound like fucktards.

    Have you tried magnesium oil? It did wonders for my aching calves and feet.

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  • charli.m

    I wasn't criticising you. I was agreeing ("This" indicates agreement) and adding further, going from the info the OP included (OP talking about their excercise habits and doctors palming them off and only recommending weightloss instead of a more comprehensive analysis).

    I also have suffered chronic pain. It sucks.

    I am not the OP

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  • charli.m

    It's shitty that doctors are ignoring you. Keep pushing as much as you can to find one whoel will help.

    In the meantime, manage your pain as best you can. Orthotics for your shoes. Freeze a water bottle to roll your feet over. Learn a strapping technique for the soles of your feet. Ise a golf ball or a tennis ball to massage the sole of your foot (take it slow. It will fucking hurt).

    Perhaps exercise in water would help. It takes some of the pressure off your joints.

    I hope you can find some help. Chronic pain is awful.

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  • charli.m

    This. The hand pain thing would have nothing to do with weight. Foot pain could be plantar fasciitis, which is excruciating. Weight loss would probably help, but being in so much pain wouldn't exactly make exercise easy...

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  • Nickvey

    its Rheumatoid arthritis use google for the right diet with a 80 percent cure rate. Don't expect medicine to cure it as most of the medicine is fatal.

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  • QueenOfCuteness

    No it's not because your to young. I'm not trying to be mean but I think you do have a lot of weight on your bones.

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  • charli.m

    Yeah. It's pretty fucked :/ my boyfriend is American and hasn't been to a doctor since his early twenties...cos there's not much point and he'd have to pay through the nose. I can only see your current president making it worse. He hasn't a fucking clue about reality.

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  • BahmBitosWhap

    I also say lose weight. Your body probaley is strained by how much weight you carry around.

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  • bubsy

    How old are you to be this immature? Do you really have a wife or are you roleplaying here?

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    • charli.m

      You're the one with an imaginary boat and wife 42 years your junior, so you're not one to talk about roleplaying.

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  • bubsy

    She's past 100 lbs overweight. I'm not sure what delusion you're under to think that's healthy, but snap out of it for her sake.

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  • bubsy

    Sounds like you're on a bad path towards becoming a diabetic. Standing up all day is very taxing. Get better shoes and most importantly, lose weight.

    Stop eating so many carbs. Stick to high-fat foods and stick to diet soda. The weight will slide right off.

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    • charli.m

      OP made no mention of their diet and telling someone to drink diet drinks instead of water is fucking retarded.

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