Is it normal that i actually like wearing face masks?

I started wearing face masks because of the coronavirus, just like the rest of you. I never minded wearing them, but I never thought I was actually going to end up liking it. I like the way they feel against my face, especially those soft ones made of cloth.

I don't feel like I'm suffocating in them at all. I even wear the ones with elastic adjustors to make sure they're nice and fitted against my face. It actually feels quite comfortable to me.

The masks I wear can be plain or have different patterns, but I only use the reusable masks that are made of cloth. I even bought a DIY face mask kit, which costed $1 on sale, at Walmart.

I'm also contemplating on using these masks for more than just protecting myself from the virus. I'm thinking of using them to protect my face against the sun, to avoid inhaling smoke or gas fumes (especially in the city), to keep my face warm in the winter, to avoid inhaling household chemicals while I clean, etc. I have practical uses for face masks, but I'm also thinking of using them for fashion.

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70% Normal
Based on 27 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • I love them purely due to the fact that with one on I dont need to use appropriate facial expressions when I really cant be bothered to do so.

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    • BlackPeople

      I'm glad you're wearing your masks. You know I worry about you a lot.

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    • Yeah! Definitely another advantage. A lot of times I'm too lazy to even do that, especially after a long day at work.

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    • Pilum

      Absolutely loved that. But I felt like over time it was gonna be a problematic habit

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      I like the feeling of privacy.

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      • chewy

        Privacy is illusion. Always has been. It was way more difficult to know people's information, when some one wanted information on people badly enough for numerous reasons it would take years, or nobody would be found. Privacy is a hoax, being deserted was what we were before, untraceably deserted.

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          As ItDuz stated you don't need to worry about your facial expressions. It's easier to hide your true emotions.

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          • chewy

            That is very true. Itduz gets it!

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  • Somenormie

    I dislike wearing them it fucking fogs up my glasses.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Fuck face masks!

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    In other areas of the world, most prominently Japan, it was already customary to wear them in public when you were ill. So it's normal.

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    • That's interesting and I've heard of that before. Do you know if people in places like Japan spread things like the cold and flu a whole lot less often because of that practice?

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  • kelili

    A mask, a hat, and a pair of sunglasses and nobody bothers you.

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    • idolomantis

      Yup, sounds about right.😉👌

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  • idolomantis

    You sound just like my old boss, lol.

    He liked face masks, too. He enjoyed the protection that it offered his facial expressions, I guess.

    He was pretty fucking weird too. He never acted like he noticed “anything”, you know?

    Regardless, he still ran that place with the most absurd, flippant, and mercurial “parameters” that I have ever encountered in my life.

    I haven’t forgotten it either. Nor do I want to.😈 There is a thing to be said for an eye for eye LOL.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    People are walking around vaccinated with the mask while they bitched for a year that people werent trusting the CDC enough.

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    • I'm not vaccinated, but obviously, I'm fine with wearing a mask during this pandemic. I haven't contracted the virus so far, so my masks and I have been loyal to each other.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't mind wearing a face mask, because I only use silk facial masks.

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  • Pilum

    I kinda always liked the look ever since I saw the Japanese wearing them way before covid.

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  • wigz

    It was weird at first but I like it once I got used to it. It just wasn't something our US culture ever had really,, so it was weird at first. I got vaccinated so I don't have to wear it anymore but I did like it, and I do like less sickness going around. Its kinda dumb to just drop masks when the safety measures for Covid-19 proved to help all similar communicable disease transmissions. Mask wearing (when ill, or when compromised), washing, distancing should still be practiced, I think. It would be pure stupidity not to.

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  • People can't tell how ugly I am with them, and when hungover, they can't smell the stench of alcohol on my breath as easily.

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