Is it normal sister's bf making it difficult to see the kids

It is a big fight everytime we try to see the kids. He told the kids to tell us we aren't in charge and pretty soon no one including their bio dad is gonna see them again. He isn't allowed near his kids because he abused them. he brags about how he can't wait to crush them.

The bio dad and us were always close now I literally have to beg to see them and the new bf texts every five minutes when we go somewhere to ask where we are and does he have to call the police and report a kidnapping even though both parents say it is ok. He keeps telling the kids he is gonna kidnap them and ground them the whole summer and he can have them put in a dark dank hole and they will never see us again.My sister says he needs to get to know them and it is tradition in his family to keep them away from everyone.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Firepower18

    He does not have the right to call the police on you if the real parents say it's okay for you to have them visit. He has no rights to those kids unless he adopts them and if I think correctly the kids father must be notified and agree to it. The kids father can go to the court system to get custody if the guy has a bad past. Kids 12 and older can request through courts who they want to live with. Grandparents have grandparent rights but must go through courts to get those rights to see them. If I think correctly, the kids father can report the guy as kidnapper if he refuses to let anyone see them and they are with him. Keep an eye on the kids. If they have marks on them no matter how bad, take them to the hospital before calling the police as the hospital will keep records on it and the police will have no choice but the arrest him. Other wise the police could just tell the guy not to do it again. Some states it's an automatic felony to leave marks on a kid. The real kids father should go to a lawyer to get the ends and outs of the law. Even though you rather not report your sister to c.p.s sometimes you need too. The kids are kids and they need someone to be their voice and stand up for them in dangerous situations. Good luck.

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  • jellofishes

    the bio dad prob isn't gonna do anything.But I am gonna figure something out thinking of getting a private detective or bugging the house to see what is going on there. Creepy I know. but the kids have said some stuff too.

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  • jellofishes

    I dunno she thinks he is so wonderful. I don't want to call cps and them to be put in a worse situation. I feel like I need proof so I don't look petty.Maybe I am being a drama queen ,but other people don't think it is a good situation either.

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  • WhiteTile

    Why's she with this guy if his gonna abuse her kids too?

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