Is it normal short people have “short privilege”

We always hear people bemoaning their short stature but I have come to believe that being unusually short (say 4+ inches below average) unlocks its own set of advantages or “short privilege” if you will. Let me explain.

More outrageous and devious behaviour by them is allowed, playing pranks and winding people up with jokes seems funnier and less malicious when done by short people. Perhaps because people subconsciously code small people as less of a threat?

On top of the trickster behaviour behaving like a general lunatic is also far less frowned upon. Wearing out landish clothing doesn’t seem so bad on a short person. Physically diving into sale bins is excusable. Enthusiastic dancing doesn’t look so ridiculous. Having an odd manner and being a “character” is almost expected.

Finally short people can get away with immoral stuff thanks to being below eye-level and innocent looking. Cutting queues, shop lifting, hiding on trains when you didn’t buy a ticket and taking excessive amounts of free samples is much easier at 4”10 than 6”.

Basically short people can get away with things due to the automatic assumptions that they are harmless and quirky coupled with their natural ability to slip under the radar. Of course there are also disadvantages to being small and not all short people tap into their “short privilege” but it exists nonetheless.

Tell me your thoughts on short privilege and comment your height, I want to know who’s speaking from what perspective (I’m a 5”7 girl).

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28% Normal
Based on 29 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 53 )
  • Skarmatic

    Yeah no, I don't think this is a thing at all.

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    • CountessDouche

      Oh man, this. It's really, really not a thing, but given this amount of- frankly impressive- mental gymnastics, I'm sure you could come up with a number of similarly far fetched theories about how any group has "priviledge" & you got cheated.

      Maybe, OP, stop focusing on weird, obscure ways in which other people have an advantage based on things you can't control & to the pants store & try on normal people pants & relish in the pure joy of not having to pay extra money to get them hemmed & then go ride some roller coasters that shorties get kicked off of.

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      • bleedingdiarhea

        You mean like reverse psychology?

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        • CountessDouche

          Yeah sorta Haha. I mean, if you are going to spend a lot of brain power coming up with weird, elaborately thought out reasons why someone else has an advantage over you, you could just as easily redirect that loopy, exhaustive thinking to make yourself feel positive about your own stature...

          Like...I know you were joking, but let's do "short penis privilege" as a thought experiment

          - you are less likely to hurt someone during sex
          - if you wanted to wear tight underpants, it would be much more comfortable
          - it's closer to your body, thus warmer, and you would be much less likely to experience gangrenous penile frostbite should you fall into an icy stream whilst lost in the wintertime Icelandic woodlands
          - you can strut through a gay bathhouse locker room with considerably less fear about being coveted

          Like...idk you could make up a million reasons why other people have it great & you have it bad, but why not just...stop comparing yourself to others & focus on the nice things you do have??

          You dig?

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          • bleedingdiarhea

            Lmfao! "gangrenous penile frostbite"

            Dug, my friend, dug.

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            • CountessDouche

              Woot woot!

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      • No no I’m not saying I’m jealous of short people or that they have easier lives, just that there are certain things that short people are more able to get away with.

        My list mostly came from being friends with a few, admittedly slightly odd, short people and realising how much weirder I (and likely others) would find their behaviour if they were average height+.

        Being short comes with downsides but you’ve got to admit that slipping small items into your pockets at the store is easier when you’re below eye level.

        Also how tall are you?

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        • Feedthepony

          I think you may have significantly higher intelligence than the majority on here, most of whom would come up short if they tone an IQ test.
          This reply isn't based on your answer as I only read the first two lines but rather on your post/question, I read most of it while having had formed my opinion shortly after starting to read it.

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          • I don’t think everyone read the whole post, they seem to think I bear a grudge against short people when really I’m just voicing my observations.

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    • How tall are you?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    goddamn elitist keebler elves

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  • Garthh

    I'm about 5'3" and this is a lot for a rant. Chill. No such thing as short privilege.

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    • It wasn’t intended as a rant, I don’t see short privilege as an issue. If anything it’s compensation for the disadvantages of being short.

      Also thanks for commenting your height.

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  • Nachname271

    This sounds like straight up bullshit.

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    • Why? The feisty midget stereotype had to come from somewhere, as did the idea of the mischievous leprechaun. Short people behaving strangely and “having character” has been normalised to the point that they get away with more. Not that this is a bad thing.

      How tall are you?

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    I'm 6'4" and I disagree with you.

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    • Feedthepony

      Well said!

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    • That’s fine, at least you commented your height.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        I mean there is a tall privilege, I can tell you that much. I am not saying being short has no advantages, but the advantages don't make tall people wish they were short. Tall people are usually better athletes, more sexually attractive and get paid more.

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        • I agree, we hear a lot about tall privilege. But I feel that being tall also comes with the expectation that you will be a serious person, something that isn’t felt so strongly in those who use their short privilege.

          Being short is so often presented as having only drawbacks but I think there’s another side to the coin.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Fucking Dwarves.

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  • bleedingdiarhea

    Can I have short penis privelige?

    This isnt a real thing.

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    • How tall are you?

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      • bleedingdiarhea


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  • NoLifer

    No, being short makes accomplishing basic every day task difficult or impossible. Thats like saying wearing glasses is a privlage when it significantly impairs the person. Overtlly tall people have issues as well some being the same as shorties like not being find right size of clothes. Also if a short person acts more agressive its probably to do with the fact no one takes them seriously becuase they are so short. Since people get the impression shorties are weak, cute or thier vioce means nothing. Also a lot of people discriminate against short guys. Which really sucks for them.

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    • Being short does have disadvantages, that can’t be denied. But in my observation short privilege emerges in those who embrace being short, those who never get over it and develop anger issues/short man syndrome are the polar opposite anti-short privilege.

      As a society we fixate on the plight of short people and the angry ones who feel it the worst, whilst being blind to the flip side of the coin - those who realise and embrace their short privilege.

      Also how tall are you?

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      • NoLifer

        Its not a privlage its an impairment. Like I explained above. Wearing glasses is also not a "privlage" even if some think eye glasses are stylish.

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        • Your height?

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          • NoLifer

            Your post is discriminatory and giving you personal imformation will only give you fuel for Ad Hominen.

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            • I’m not using people’s heights against them, scroll through the comments you can see I’ve asked everyone else. I’m genuinely curious to see the perscepctives of people who agree and disagree with my theory of short privilege.

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  • Boojum

    I'm 6'4", and I've always been wary of anyone who's shorter than me. 😁

    I don't think there is such a thing as "short privilege", but studies have found that those who are taller than average tend to be seen as being more intelligent and having more authority, so "tall privilege" does exist.

    I think a lot of people who are much smaller than average learn early in life how to cope with the problems of being seen as an easy target for bullying. Some become belligerent little assholes with enormous chips on their shoulder and serious anger issues, while others learn how to use their wit to deflect and distract potential attackers, and they figure out that having a generally wacky approach to life can lead to them becoming a valued member of a friendship-group.

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    • Thank you for commenting your height.

      Your last points would make sense with my theory. As many short people develop a wacky approach to life to gain friends people come to subconsciously expect it of other short people too. Therefore strange behaviour doesn’t seem so weird.

      Being tall definitely has its advantages, but those are almost universally acknowledged whilst the benefits of being short are generally swept under the rug. Until now...

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  • Ummitsstillme

    They can really get at those bottom cabinets can't they?

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    • I wouldn’t really count that as short privilege as anyone could just bend down and do that.

      How tall are you?

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  • RavenCage

    This is pure non sense, I've never seen a short person get away with something or not be held accountable for their height. I'm 5'8.

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    • Exactly- you’ve never seen it as they don’t get caught! Thanks for reading the whole post though unlike most people.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor


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    • Your height?

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        6ft 1 inches

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  • raisinbran

    I think people without earlobes are way too privileged.

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    • You and me both.

      You may as well tell me your height as I’ve asked everyone else.

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      • raisinbran


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  • Heytheredemonsitsyaboi

    Coming from someone who's 5ft, I'm not in the 4ft category obviously, but I've been mistaken for a child often thanks to a younger face, too. Yeah I've gotten folks to be more lenient 'cause I look like a kid, but everyone who finds me sexually appealing really makes me grossed out.

    I can't date, since it makes me feel like they might be a predator. People are also a lot more demeaning, especially whenever I ask someone to help get something off of a higher shelf, and when I struggle to get on beds (considering that a lotta folks here have extremely massive mattresses).

    In general, I've kinda embraced the fact that I'm short despite there being a ton of downsides, but honestly I see the opposite when folks of my height or shorter get caught with any shit.
    Yeah I haven't done the disgusting shit you're talking about, but whenever I see someone dive into shit and get their nasty feet all over climbing shit 'cause they think that asking for help is 'demeaning', I've genuinely seen them get banned. Like more often than folks who're 5'2"+.

    Short folks are generally associated with doing dumb bull like that, thanks to stereotypes that folks have set out there online. Kinda dumb. Every height has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Anything misc (minus racially charged shit) has 'privileges', like how folks taller than 6'4" have a ton of medical issues, along w/ folks who're 4'10" and under. Hell, I have medical issues that'd completely cripple me if I was a foot and maybe a couple inches taller, but I also have some issues that were made worse thanks to my height.

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  • nanodayo

    There are advantages and disadvantages to both being tall and short. I’m a 5’8” girl and I personally prefer to be tall, but everyone should embrace who they are no matter their size without belittling others of a different size.

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  • jethro

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  • dimwitted

    I don't think short equals cute. I think it means knowing it will take a really long time for them to walk anywhere.

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    • Granted not all short people are cute and not all of them tap into their short privilege. That doesn’t stop it existing for others.

      How tall are you?

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      • dimwitted


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  • bigbudchonga

    I think privilege is the wrong word. Also, short girls are different from short guys. Short girls = hot, short guy = manlit

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    • Short advantage then? Also how tall are you?

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      • bigbudchonga

        Six foot. As a guy, I'm really glad to be tall. Ye, I suppose I can see there would be some advantages to it if you were a girl.

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  • Mishl


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    • What’s your height?

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