Is it normal people actually take eurovision seriously?

I love eurovision but... I dont take it seriously as a contest. Its a fun, crazy experience and its always exciting but if a song I dont like wins its disappointing for like one minute. It does not matter. Its not even possible to compete in music unless such a competion would be genre-based because then you judge each song based on how well it represents the genre in question as well as how good it is.
Ukraine was not my favorite this year but the song gets in my head and that means its got something right - its very catchy. Spains song to me was really generic and boring but apparently it could've won instead.
That shows how different peoples tastes are when a competion is as mixed as eurovision is.
I find it laughable how some people are pissed that this, apparently, extremely important competition would DARE to mix in politics.
I thought my countrys commentator nailed it when he said after Ukraine won that its right on brand for eurovision, actually, because eurovision was created to unite a scattered Europe after the war.

My usual favorite genre is rock and eurovision brings no rock unless its very generic and bland but I dont care. I often find gems and I watch because its entertaining. If politics are mixed in or not I dont care.

Voting Results
25% Normal
Based on 4 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • megadriver

    Eurovision sucks! They always choose some political song, either one sung by a minority for the sake of diversity, or one with lyrics about oppression, or war.
    Post WWII guilt, mainly a German thing, but also observed in other countries.

    Also why do non-European countries compete? Israel, Australia, Morocco, Qatar...

    That's a bit like having a bicycle race and when people on unicycles and tricycles turn up, you say "Fuck it, let 'em compete".

    This is EUROvision, not WORLDvision. Same rules should apply as with the Euro football cup.

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    • LloydAsher

      Let them. Doesnt effect your life. Listen to what you want and let political people listen to their political music.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    The politics are inevitable, although I feel there was little political voting amongst the professional judges this year, the points they gave Ukraine were proportional to the performance.

    I suspect part of the reason the UK’s camp performance scored so high was due to the obscene number of lacklustre and instantly forgettable ballards clogging up the show. It makes me hope they will put a cap on the number of soporific slow songs allowed in future contests. Moldova certainly benefited from their placement after that snooze-fest in the middle, the audience were relived to hear a singer who actually gave it some energy.

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    • LloydAsher

      Everything has political weight... as it always have.

      Just enjoy the music. Dont see why we need to always put shit to a vote.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        The vote determines which country will host the following year. There have been controversies in the past where countries were accused of deliberately performing badly because they didn’t want the expense of hosting. I assume next year’s contest will be held in the UK rather than Ukraine for obvious reasons.

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        • LloydAsher

          Who knows? If this russian war ends soon (given that it seems that putin has cancer)

          Ukraine might be a fine place to hold it.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Yes but they’re European, they don’t count.

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    • Thats exactly how we all see americans hehe. Only America exists to them. Well i'm happy over here with my free healthcare and school ;)

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      • LloydAsher

        And getting 90% of your military from daddy america. As well as most of your medical research from America.

        Europe is great. We can send all of our forward progressive thinkers there.

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  • Somenormie

    It's a little like when people take the New Years Gala so seriously ( which is pretty much the New Year's version of the Oscars ).

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    • I dont know what that it is but it also sounds like a silly thing to take seriously

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    The what?

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