Is it normal people act like children when they get rejected?

The store I work in is moving the employee break room to the back of the store. They're taking apart the current break room and employee bathrooms for new ones. The bathroom fixtures were uninstalled and in the hall.

But anyway, two of my coworkers and I are talking while we're working and one asks me if I want to go on a date. I calmly rejected her. She seemed okay at first and was walking away calmly but then proceeded to pick up the toilet in her path and hurl the thing in my direction when I had my back turned. She misses. She starts screaming some nonsense about how 33 is too old for her anyway and she sits on the floor and starts crying .

My other coworker called security on the walkie and then he told her that she's probably fired. He seemed very amused by all this and very hyper with a huge grin on his face.

When the managers approached her she bolted for the emergency exit, which set off the alarm.

I don't understand why a person can't just take the word NO gracefully these days. Someone once told me it was because today's youth are spoiled and lacked discipline from their parents, but I'm not sure that's the reason.

So why do people act like children when they're rejected?

On another note, I'm slightly disappointed that toilet didn't hit me. I could've gotten a nice chunk of change to move to Florida.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    That woman sounds fucking nuts.

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  • Somenormie

    I suspect the reason why one would act like children is because they appear to be insecure and overwhelmed of themselves.

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  • bbrown95

    Unfortunately, there are some people who never learned to handle being told "no" well, and yes, they often act like children and throw childlike tantrums when told "no". I grew up with a few people like this, myself, and IME, they were raised in families who never told them "no" or at least never followed through with it if they did. This resulted in spoiled and entitled adults.

    Yes, rejection hurts and it sucks, but having a full blown meltdown doesn't make the situation any better. It's even worse when they try to insult you or otherwise insinuate that you weren't good enough for them in the first place (i.e. "33 is too old for me anyway!") That really seems spoiled brat-ish and only reaffirms the fact that the rejector dodged a bullet by rejecting the rejectee. 🤣

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    • SkullsNRoses

      I never understood the mentality of instantly insulting the person you just propositioned, isn’t it insinuating that you have low standards and thus insulting yourself?

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      • bbrown95

        Exactly! I've never understood it either.

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    • Ihidabody

      *Most people.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You dodged a bullet, because she sounds bat shit crazy! 😱

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its a good thing you dont work construction

    imagine her throwin a porta potty at you

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  • SkullsNRoses

    This is why I love IIN, good old fashioned bat shit insanity.

    To answer your question being spoiled is a factor but when a woman is rejected I think the fact that they’re not brought up to expect romantic or sexual rejection plays a part. Asking out girls (or other guys) only to be rejected is seen as practically a right of passage for teenage boys and male college students but girls are taught they will almost always be the asked rather than the asker. If a woman does ask someone out in media the answer she gets 95% of the time is an enthusiastic “yes”. In our society men aren’t taught to handle rejection maturely and women aren’t taught to expect it at all.

    As for the flying toilet seat though she clearly has some rage issues.

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  • kikilizzo

    I have a hard time believeing she literally hurled a toilet at you but go off.

    Regardless most people do not react that way to rejection.
    Extremely unstable people though have intense reactions to any kind of letdown. Most likely this woman is mentally unstable and could not control her reaction.
    Even if someone gets frustrated by a rejection which many people do since nobody wants to feel unwanted, they would keep it to themselves or vent to a friend or family member about it later.

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    • Ihidabody

      Actually, most people do react this way.

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