Is it normal my screeching and non stop yelling offends people?

This is who I am.I have fibromyalgia and a lot of anxiety. I don't sleep.No one listens to me or tries to understand me,so I have to curse people out and scream in people's faces. My oldest estranged daughter and I are not speaking again because she is a brat.

She took thank you notes out of my drawer without asking. She forgot to put the dogs out.She said I said she could have them , but I don't remember saying that.The outfit she wore was slutty.

I had to fire three people yesterday , because they were crying and gasping when they saw me coming near them.I think they were gossiping about me. My secretary quit after 4 hours because I screamed at him for ordering a salad that smells like shit.I don't get why people get so turned off by yelling.This is how I always communicated and how I was raised.

My fiancé's kid is copying off me and my fiancé said I have to stop, and take anger classes. I don't have an anger problem everyone is the reason I yell.

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39% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • charli.m

    Just because you make a new bullshit story, doesn't mean you're not obvious as shit. Stop making up stupid stories, you dumb fuck.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Take a deep breath, slowly count to ten and then go fuck yourself.

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  • Bailey_Rose

    You need some MAJOR MAJOR help! Get into anger management classes or something. A company is only as good as it's leaders. If your leadership SUCKS, which it apparently does, your company will suck. And yes, your employees were probably talking about you behind your back. And doing it because this is how you were raised, that's a form of child abuse. If you don't break the cycle, you are doomed to repeat it and pass it on as in the case of your fiancés son. GET SOME HELP!!!!!

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  • athem

    I think you need the anger classes. Screaming in people's faces because you don't get your way isn't normal.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Right because people with anxiety look for ways to attract attention to themselves.

    At least look up the correct mental issue before posting nonsense.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


    wanna go on a date?

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  • Ellenna

    Well you're creating a nice lonely life for yourself, aren't you?

    And you DO have an anger problem and you also seem cut off from any form of empathy or consideration for other people. Your medical condition is no excuse or reason for treating other people like shit and if that's how you were raised you can change that if you want to.

    Alternatively, you can keep on acting like an arsehole and blaming everyone but yourself, your choice.

    I feel very sorry for your fiance and her child and I hope she gets herself and the kid far away from you as a matter of urgency.

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