Is it normal my friend said hes tried to force himself to spend time with me

I cut one of my friends off because he's not acted right with me. He's been excluding me, avoiding me and made excuses. I can admit I should've questioned him but I have been uncertain if it's worth it. Plus due to my difficulties expressing my emotions, among other things, its a challenge.

Now he has texted me hes sorry and he doesnt think he can be himself with me because he is edgy and too edgy for me. He said he cant include because hes not the one holding events and because he doesnt want to care for me during anything...🤯
Plus its lies because he holds parties he tells me when he has.. And his friends have included me but he made it very obvious he didnt want me to come. I think parties are loud and tiring but he was rude and I didnt know why. Hes wanted to date me at one point too. I dont get why since he obviously looks down on me because im different.

Hes said he doesnt have any desire to spend time with me anymore (he said hes literally tried to FORCE himself to though, FORCE!!!) but he still likes me...whatever THAT means!!!Hes just insulted me so he cant like me THAT much...So really I cut him off but he made me talk to him just so he could tell me these things 😥

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Comments ( 6 )
  • SwickDinging

    You've posted about this so many times before and you keep getting the same advice.

    This guy is an asshole. He is not your friend and you deserve to be treated better. Please stop wasting time on him and go and find new friends. I know it will take some time to meet new people, but I strongly believe in the meantime that no friends is better than shitty friends who treat you badly.

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  • RoseIsabella

    How did he "make" you talk to him? You don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to talk to, OP.

    He sounds like an asshole. What kind of person actually describes himself as edgy?

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    • He didnt make me but he sent me a message that hes sorry and he wants to talk about it so I tried because we were friends.

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      • RoseIsabella

        So perhaps he misrepresented himself, and thereby manipulated you into thinking it could perhaps have been a productive conversation. It's not that he made you, but he gave you hope, and so you agreed to talk to him, and then he was a disappointment once again as per the usual.

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  • jrbsportz

    What a fucking jerk,girl you don't need him in your life if he forcing himself to spend time with you get rid of him an find someone that does want to spend time with you,not that idiot just saying

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    He's too dumb dont talk to him

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