Is it normal my dog doesn't like walks?

He waddles out to the backyard to pee and that's about enough outdoor activity for him (he's a bulldog).

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57% Normal
Based on 30 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • MangoTango

    LOL, some dogs are lazy. My parents have a big American Bulldog (not anything like an English Bulldog) that lives to eat, sleep, maybe go out a few times a day. If anybody dare gets a leash which he sees, he will stubbornly go lay down. Don't even jiggle a leash. He knows. He leaves. It's hilarious. Exercise? He doesn't want to do that. Eat? He loves that. If he does get walked on a leash, you have to drag him outside. Returning home, he's quick to get back.

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    • robbing16

      That's so funny 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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  • Cookiecutter

    Hes lazy.

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  • DerHaifisch

    I'm no vet, but I suspect that the dig does indeed need to get more into shape (quite a hypocritical thing for me to say)

    But have seen on TV (again not the best of sources for info) that dogs, and bulldogs in particular, can get way to fat and lazy if not stimulated enough to exercise. Also linked to being "fixed" or not.

    Would ask on a dog forum TBH.. (or a vet)

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  • robbing16

    My dog will go on walks but walks pretty slow and she is usually lagging behind me.. she is 5 months old. She is Belgian malolis mix with pit.. Our first real walk was about 45 minutes long to a red box to pick up a video and she kept looking behind us and walking slowly behind me which at times I had to tug the leash and kept telling her come on.. I was so frustrated that I never wanted to take her for another walk again! However, since I no longer have a car on the road and she was due for her last set of shots, we had an hour walk to the facility (which she was able to rest for about an hour or so while we awaited her turn before our hour walk home.. she was a bit better but not much! I just kept saying come on and good girl A LOT to incourage her!!! We go back April 30th for her heart worm blood test and to pick up a 12 month supply to keep her up to date on those month preventatives. Hopefully she does better but I think she just might be a lazy dog.. IDK

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