Is it normal my coffee tastes old/burnt

I am not that used to making black coffee (usually a cappuccino drinker) but I like black coffee from time to time but I feel like even though I prepare it pretty much the same each time and always comes out tasting differently ? How is that possible ? At first it tastes good then after two weeks or so it starts to taste horrible. It tastes like when you have left your coffee on warmup for hours and then grab a cup and its gone bad, or like it has been burnt badly. Ive tried many different brands of coffee among the usual popular ones and it makes no difference which kind I buy. I fill up enough water for two cups of coffee and I take two scopes of coffee, sometimes slightly more. Am I using too much coffee and too little water ? I read somewhere that you take one scoup per cup and sometimes that turns out tasting amazing but then after a while it no longer tastes good. Does coffee just go bad really quickly even sealed ??? Help please

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Bassmachine

    🤷‍♂️Sometimes my coffee tastes watered down while other times it tastes overly bitter with same amounts of sugar and coffee.

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    • That's strange. I wonder what causes that.

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's been roasted, if you try dark roast it's going to taste scorched, burnt, even disgusting, my bad experience with different coffees only leads to having the one coffee that counts (Colombian coffee), and that tastes smooth and mild, if you try Maxwell House you'll be left with, if left to stew till cold, a rich, disgusting black brew, black coffee is best drunk fresh, with fresh hot water, then it'll have a fresh taste, I hope that helped.

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    • Ok thanks, the coffee I have currently is dark roast so maybe thats why then.

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      • normal-rebellious

        Perhaps I'm wrong in the kind of coffee I should drink, I think the normal thing is to regularly, unchangedly, stick to your coffee, I suppose less dark roast in a spoon is the wise course of action.

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  • LloydAsher

    Are you grinding down your coffee beans?

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    • I buy coffee from the store that you run through a very basic coffee brewer. I dont deal with the beans

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