Is it normal it's so hard get fulltime hours

I can not get fulltime hours anywhere. Even the hardware store only hires part time employees. I kind of hate having to jump between two jobs but it seems fulltime employment is a thing of the past in modern America.

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Comments ( 45 )
  • hidden.hands

    Move to a dorm or find roommates and split the cost of bills?

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    • Why would I do that? That doesn't change anything. This isn't at all relevant to anything discussed.

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      • hidden.hands

        You are complaining about your financial situation

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  • MrToxic

    Both the news reports and countless people I've spoken to have always had bad things to say about their states in that regard. There's often news regarding minimum-wage jobs taking little to no care for their staffs mental/physical health. There aren't many laws/groups aimed at protecting workers from the big-time businesses like Amazon factories, major convenience stores, and fast food chains. Both the news reports and countless people I've spoken to have always had bad things to say about their states in that regard.

    My only suggestion would be to save what you can while also researching better states or even countries to set up in. Unfortunately most (if not all) US states have the same issues in that regard. Some might be better though. Unless the ties you currently have are worth sticking around for, you're unlikely to find much improvement with your situation. I do hope you manage to work out your next step. There's countless working themselves to the point of causing irreparable damage to their minds and bodies.

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    • I can not move or I'll ow a bunch of money. That isn't a real goal.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I work at Target and I always get full-time hours there. It helps that I know how to do more than one department. XD

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    • Don't you have to be available 24/7?

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        It depends on the location. Normally higher volume stores give out more hours. My availability is 4am-3pm. I get 40 hours a week at my store location.

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        • I mean do they need me to be available EVERY SINGLE DAY. Since I can not do that.

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            I'm not available to work Fridays and Saturdays. They adhere to that pretty well. The only times they don't is during Christmas Eve, New Years, and the day before any major holiday.

            There's also an App they have called the MyTime App For Target where a person can see if any shifts are available and take said shifts. It comes in handy if a person isn't getting enough hours or if they're an On Demand Team Member who wants to occasionally pick a shift up.

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          • girlinadarkcorner

            In my experience places like that will take anyone who shows up and does their job as long as there's positions to be filled for your available times, but they might not be able to give you full time if you don't have a fully open schedule.

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          • LloydAsher

            Since retail stores like target are ALWAYS hiring. Yes.

            The higher the burn out rate the higher the chance they will use you for longer.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Why do you want full time when you're in school? Best to focus on your studies.

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    • To pay rent obviously. Can't live on 1200 a month.

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Did you dislike my comment?

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  • Bassmachine

    Try a warehouse job. Most warehouse jobs are 10 hour shifts or more plus weekends/overtime.

    You'll be begging for less hours or days off work.😅

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    • I cant have mandatory overtime. I have school.

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      • Bassmachine

        Well you said full time. Just so you know some employers (warehouse/logistics) consider 40 hours a part time which is

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        • LloydAsher

          Especially when it comes to trucking. 14 hour workdays, 70 hours max a week no overtime (most trucking companies)

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          • Bassmachine

            I don't understand? Anything over 40 hours is overtime.

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        • Look, I didnt say I want to live at my job. You clearly live at yours. Warehouse is a trap.

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          • Bassmachine


            You said said you wanted a full time job but you make excuses why you can't work full time like wtf seriously?

            I don't live at work nor am I married to my job. I work my 40 hours a week, I'm free on weekends. I do work overtime but only during a short busy season, that's it. I'm very fortunate to have a warehouse job that is flexible on the hours.

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            • Okay so why you suggesting people work 6 days a week and work 12 hours a day when you work 40? Your statement of "I'm better than everyone when I expect them to do substantially more work than me" is arrogant. It's also not realistic or helpful advice. I said I can't do warehouse becuase its not a sustainable occupation, constantly makes you work overtime, and fires everyone constantly. So it's not a safe, healthy or long term sustainable occupation.

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      • LloydAsher

        You can. It will just suck.

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        • No, it literally cant since I will have to drop all my school classes to go to work. I done warehouse and thats how it works. You get hours but you are married to your job and depending on pay you are trapped there forever. You are very unrealistic. There is a reason I not doing warehouse anylonger, you can not get anything done with a warehouse job since that job is YOUR LIFE.

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          • LloydAsher

            Not true. Knew guys who worked 48 hour factory jobs that still managed to go through college. Fucking sucked for them but they had the balls to do it.

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            • You seem to not have an understanding of college. There is in person and online. I am not taking ONLINE classes. I can not be on the clock 24/7

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  • LloydAsher

    Hardware, retail, food service?

    Ever thought of picking up an actual career?

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    • Yes, that is why I'm in school. I don't understand why no one hires fulltime though for anything. It's 30 max most places.

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      • LloydAsher

        Health care. They dont wanna pay for health care.

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        • Couldn't they just let us sign away the healthcare? I literally on stupid medical anyways because I was homeless for a couple months during the pandemic. The only time I think its unfair is when a company make mandatory health checkups but refuses to pay for any of them. Even though the pandemic has apparently made it legal to fire people for not being able to afford a hospital visit if job requires it.

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          • LloydAsher

            I'm a supporter of signing away healthcare if you rather go without it. It's your loss if you get a hospital bill.

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            • I only think a company should be responsible for your healthcare if you doing a clearly dangerous job where you are going to get hurt, or if the job FORCES you to go to the hospital against your will. Otherwise, it should be optional to wave it and just say "I want more hours".

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