Is it normal im pissed at my neighbours for treating their dogs like this

One of my neighbours has bought a rottweiler dog and they only walk it out to the parking lot and back and forth there a bit then home again. The lady also let her grandkid(?) throw sticks on the dog while she was smoking once and didnt care until the dog started running around due to it and she got tangled in the leash, that made her pissed. I dont know who these people are but they live in the building next to mine. Theres also a lady in my building whos dog always used to bark so it was audible in the whole building, I mean she lives on the sixth floor and me on the second so imagine her nextdoor-neighbours yet no one cared. I put a threatning note in her mailbox that she better walk her poor dog or else i'll make sure she gets reported and has her dog taken away. Since then the barking has stopped and I see her with the dog everyday outside, she looks grumpy and she only walks it down the street and back again. At least its further than the rottweiler-owners yet they have a more demanding dog. I cant believe the dog owners here?!

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Comments ( 5 )

    Animal abuse is so wrong and so enraging. Good for you for calling them on it.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    One thing I've noticed in my experience is black people treat animals really bad. Im stereotyping but everytime ive seen a black person with a dog they keep them chained up or in crates. I remember i went to a supervisors house once before work and he was like ok time for work and put a giant pitbul in a little kennel. I was like damn dude youre leaving your dog in there for 9 hours? He said "yeah he gets into stuff". Another dudes house I use to go to his whole family worked at my work and they'd keep their dog chained up on the concrete with no shade. It gets in the 100s w 100% humidity where I live. Poor thing had welts on his back. I went and bought him a giant doghouse and just left it there they thought I was weird for caring. I once pet the dog and theyre like "thats disgusting man wash your hands" then I went to wash them and his moms like "nOt iN mY kItChEn SiNk! IZ u CrAzY!?"

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    • Thats awful. My neighbours who treat their dogs poorly are white though

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        By any chance, do you live in a poor area? I noticed that it's poor people in general that treat their dogs like shit. I live in a neighborhood that has a lot of poor people and they leave their dogs outside unsupervised all day. In the winter they freeze, in the summer they bake. Sometimes they'll wander in peoples yards and fuck shit up. The animals also look like they've never been groomed or fed a healthy diet. I've seen the same shit done with cats and to a lesser extent rabbits. It's like they want an animal for the sake of having an animal, but they lack the money and brain capacity to actually do anything for it. I just want to slap all those people who don't take care of their pets. XD

        My sister and my in laws live in a richer neighborhood. Anytime I see an animal there, it looks flawless: beautiful coat, well nourished, happy. I can tell that animal is loved and kept indoors.

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  • Somenormie

    if they cannot walk them properly then they shouldn't have a dog.

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