Is it normal i wish i could be a hero?

I grew up with movies like Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean, and sometimes I think it'd be cool to go on an adventure and fight ad guys like in those movies. Like fight off a terrorist group and save the day. Even though I have some belief in the occult, and I'm pretty confident I'll survive through life, I'm smart enough to know those were just movies and to actually do this would be incredibly dangerous. But I would be happy to defeat a terrorist, whether directly or indirectly.

Voting Results
95% Normal
Based on 19 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • NashamaTheWeird

    Yes it is normal. Everybody wants to be a hero in some way.

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  • Tazmodian

    Why not do it then? If you want to fight terrorists, join the police, or the FBI, or the army. If you want to go on expeditions, become a field researcher or fund trips yourself. Want to trek the Amazon? Go do it. Want to train with monks in the mountains of Japan? Go do it.

    The only thing I could think of that would stop a person doing so is if they have physical conditions that prevent them from travelling, or dependants like a sick parent or children they need to take care of.

    If you've got neither of those, it's insanely easy to cast off the shackles of modern society (or at least take them off for a bit) and go on a bona fide, adrenaline-pumping, heart-bursting, rip-roaring ADVENTURE.

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    • I’m just really afraid of dying

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  • darncorn

    I wish i could be an hero

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  • Sudofato

    This is perfectly normal! It's one of the reasons Marvel and DC are so popular and make such a huge butt-load of money every movie. And even more money on merchandise.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's normal. Everyday life is boring. It's good that you know what reality is and haven't tried to riot or put yourself in danger.

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