Is it normal i want to clone michael jackson?

So I want to clone Michael Jackson, and then raise the clone as my own child, and give him a fulfilling childhood and the life that he deserves. I know that the clone will not be the same exact person, but genetically he would be pretty much identical. A bit like how identical twins aren't the same person, but are genetically identical.
So my plan is to get my hands on some of Michael Jacksons' hair. Getting ahold of this would be the tricky part, as I would need to know it is authentic. An authentic strand of hair could cost possibly upwards of hundreds of pounds. Then, once I get it, I would begin the cloning process. That's the even trickier part. As I don't know how to clone someone, and finding someone to do it and who is also willing to clone a human, would be a challenge.
But this is still a fantasy that goes through my head every day. And one day I hope that I can achieve this goal, of cloning Michael Jackson, and giving the clone a childhood, and a life in which he deserves to live.

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31% Normal
Based on 13 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • dominick86


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  • StrawberryLollipop

    I wouldnt say its normal, but its certainly very kind LMAO

    If i knew how to clone someone or how to get his hair I'd give it to you, however this knowledge is none that i have... I wish you good luck though.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    In addition, a clone is not really that person. It's not reincarnation. It's essentially another human with identical DNA, the closest thing would probably be like a twin. It wouldn't be him, it would be another boy and later man entirely.

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    • I literally said that exact thing in my post, didn't you read where I said "I know that the clone will not be the same exact person, but genetically he would be pretty much identical. A bit like how identical twins aren't the same person, but are genetically identical."

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        I did, that's why I responded to my comment to further clarify what I meant. It's more of a "it's an invasion of privacy and unethical for someone to do this." His DNA is his.

        Getting back to the question is it normal to want this? No, not really. But you and I have already had a discussion about your Michael Jackson obsession and why you have it.

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        • I wouldn't say it's unethical. Unless there is an afterlife, I don't think he will care much.

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          • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

            It is unethical. It's a huge invasion of privacy. Michael is the only owner of his DNA.

            Also, he has three children who have been through enough. Their father needs to rest in peace. Michael is not a toy, he is not a possession. He was a man who tried to put a shattered life back together as an adult and give his kids a life he didn't have. They lost their father tragically and it still affects them. His children and their well-being are the only ones who matter in this situation.

            I get your sentiment but it is unethical. If spirits exist, Michael's ghost would be infuriated if you did that to his kids. He cared about his kids the most during his life and it would be incredibly disrespectful towards them to do that with their father's DNA. I would say if anyone has a right to his DNA at this point it is them and only them.

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            • I'm not doing anything to his kids lol. I would keep the clone a secret from the public and never did I say I would "own" his DNA lmao. I don't even know those kids so they would never know about it either. I'd give him a normal life, sheltered from the public eye. It's his turn to have the childhood he always wanted.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      But I guess it really depends on what you consider makes a person "them". If someone were to take my DNA and make a baby girl, her soul would be separate from mine. She is not me, I am not her. It would feel deeply invasive for someone to do this with my DNA as well, especially after I was dead. I think it's best he rest in peace. There are many other children alive who need loving homes.

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  • Somenormie

    thats like me saying that i want to have a clone of alan rickman ( aka the guy who played severus snape in most of the harry potter movies hes been in ) and have him as my father

    either way it would be slightly impossible to clone a dead person mostly because for one the original body has most likely no longer has its dna intact but lets say the dna was intact...

    for starters one can argue that it may be possible but not in the way that you think because inside dead organisms the fragments of the dna start to degrade in other words the dna will begin to break down ( a bit of biology for you there ), if cloning an animal has been proven possible then it might be that it will be done years later its only no one has cloned a human yet.

    with cloning part it comes down to the legal and ethical issues behind it ( heres a website i had been reading for reference: )

    so in short your urges and desires isnt wrong im sure some people have that same feelings of wanting to clone a dead person

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    • No I mean I was talking about some hair that was taken when he was alive, not taking the hair from the body now. There's got to be some out there.
      And I mean heck, they can bring a mammoth back to life.

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      • ospry

        When did they bring back a mammoth back to life? Who are "they"?

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        • They haven't obviously, but people said they are able to, they just won't. Look it up. I've seen the article surfacing numerous times. They had a dead baby mammoth and were bragging about how they could bring it back to life, if they wanted.

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  • CDmale4fem

    You want to clone that child molester ? Why ? So you can watch him die again ? He was a sick fuck. Anyone that preys on kids belongs where he is now, and to stay there.

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    • You must be looking in the mirror when you said that. Maybe I am in love with HIM as a kid. No wonder you were divorced.

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  • newnormal

    It is not currently possible to clone a person, as the technology to do so does not yet exist. Cloning is the process of producing a genetically identical copy of a living organism, and it has only been successfully demonstrated in a few species of animals. Human cloning is a highly controversial and complex topic, and there are many scientific, ethical, and legal issues that need to be considered before such a thing could be attempted.

    It is important to recognize that cloning a person would involve many complex and uncertain risks and would raise a number of ethical and moral questions. For example, there are concerns about the welfare of the cloned individual and about the potential for exploitation or abuse. Additionally, cloning a person would require significant technological and scientific advances, which may not be possible in the near future.

    It is not productive or respectful to speculate about cloning a specific individual, and it is important to respect the autonomy and dignity of all people. Instead, it is important to focus on ethical and respectful ways of honoring and celebrating the legacies of people who have had an impact on our lives.

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    • Like I'd listen to you, when you called me easy, a whore, a psycho and delusional. YOU'RE the one who is not respectful.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I think I know who asked this...

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    • Somenormie

      i feel like it somewhat smells of tinybird but i could be wrong

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      • Of course it is.

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  • raisinbran

    Do you really want a kid whose skin is gonna fall off at some point? Also you'll be stunting his musical genius that his dad was able to coax out of him with abuse.

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    • So? If he is happy, then that's all I would be concerned about. I would not force him to sing or do anything.

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      • raisinbran

        Yeah but then society would miss out on Michael 2.0.

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        • Fuck society, man. Society has done nothing but screw me over. Well now it's my turn!!!

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          • raisinbran

            So it's about you then, not Michael. He deserves better.

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            • And you deserve nothing

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