Is it normal i've kept these fries for so long?

I'll have a TLDR at the bottom for those that don't want to read but;
basically I have a plate of fries in my fridge and it's one of about 5 things in my fridge. The fries are burnt almost completely to a crisp, and are around 6-8 months old.
I dont know where this habit formed or why it did but sometimes when im smoking in my apartment i get VERY paranoid, and i will start to think that the smell is leaking in all the other apartments and they're going to call the cops on me. So in a frantic state of paranoia I started grabbing the fries in my fridge and throwing them in a pan to burn and sear until my apartment smells like burnt old crispy potatoes. I've done this as many as three times in one day. Once the fries are burnt and my apartment smells like food and shit I'm happy. Its been the same fries, minus a few that I've lost along the way.

TL;DR I smoke in my apartment and get paranoid, then burn these fries to drown the smell out. Its been the same small fries from cookout for the past 6-8months.

Voting Results
5% Normal
Based on 19 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Crimble

    I think you're just saying that because you're also a potato

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  • Boojum

    "Once the fries are burnt and my apartment smells like food and shit I'm happy."

    Yes, of course it's completely normal to be happy when your apartment smells of shit.


    So I assume by "smoke", you mean pot, not tobacco. I have no experience of concealing this depraved, deranged, evil activity, but a quick Google came up with this:

    Charring your eternally recycled fries until they smoke probably isn't very good for you, and I'd be concerned about the charcoal/fries bursting into flames at some point.

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    • Crimble

      Yeah pot. Nicotine doesn't really effect my paranoia all too much. I've smoked on and off for years, and ordinarily don't mind the smell, enough people in this town openly do it that it's almost an invitation to hang out.

      But that is not the situation here.

      I guess more context makes this easier to answer. It's usually around 1-3am and it'll be if I take a dab that's a bit bigger than I bargain for, after a certain amount of THC has entered my system it seems my body turns the euphoria into paranoia. It's not a nightly occurrence.

      Also the place doesn't really smell of literal "shit", more just like some asshole that sucks at cooking tried to reheat some fries for too long.

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      • Boojum

        Yeah, I realise the "shit" thing was... erm, metaphorical or something. I was just being a smartass.

        If you're really asking about the mental effects of pot, that's another issue apart from the practical one of what you're doing to cover the smell. It's also not one I know much about. If you find the feelings disturbing, then maybe you should raise them on a forum dedicated to cannabis users.

        I still think you should be careful about heating up oil and charred potatoes, particularly if your head is not particularly together at that point. Might be an idea to look into how to deal with that sort of fire, if you're not familiar with that.

        Your neighbours might be cool with you smoking, but I doubt if they'd be all that mellow if they got hauled out of bed by the fire department at two in the morning.

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    • lordofopinions

      What do you mean by "depraved, deranged, evil activity" in regards to smoking weed? Lots of people smoke weed recreationally. I smoke a pipe or two before bed. It relaxes me and I have a good night's sleep. Many people havè been prescribed medical marijuana for various medical reasons.

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      • Boojum

        Chill, Lord.

        The line was so hyperbolic that I thought it would be obvious I wasn't serious.

        It seems I was wrong.

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  • isitnotmal

    I almost voted normal! Lolxd

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  • lordofopinions

    Throw the fucking fries out! Smoke in the bathroom with the fan on!

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    • lordofopinions

      Bingo! I smoke on the balcony weather permitting and if not I smoke in the bathroom with the fan on and leave it on for about 15 minutes after you've finished smoking. I smoke a very few cigs during the day and follow the same rules. I don't want a smoky apartment.

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  • IrishPotato

    Erhm, I don't think that's normal.

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