Is it normal i think schools should be abolished

I didn't learn anything in school that my mother couldn't have taught me or didn't teach me herself. They tell you to sit still all day and learn shit that you're just gonna forget anyway unless you have some interest; most of everything I know about literature and art I know as an adult not because of school but because of my public libraries and free time. When I was a kid, learning was a forgone conclusion because of the social hierarchies and the fact that everyone hated me and made life difficult for me because I met some arbitrary definition of "fag." School is the state's way of making you an obedient worker, it doesn't make you a better or smarter person. So much of my desire for learning was crushed by all the standardized bullshit I had to do when I was young to make the state happy.

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72% Normal
Based on 18 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Somenormie

    No, what a stupid idea what if we kept the schools and expand more what people can teach.

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  • Vvaas

    i don't think it should be abolished though i think the whole school system should be reworked

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      I agree with this, but I can only speak for the US. I want to be a teacher eventually and am very partial to the Montessori method that isn't very popular in the United States.

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  • Yaidin

    Goes to show just how idiotic the IIN userbase is. Not surprising when you realize that most if them are from the USA, a country where the average person can't even speak their own language. Americans thinking school is useless? Shocker!

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    • notmyrealname123

      you show them!

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    We need to make kids be able to sit and do work everyday. If they choose to start a business fine but they need to be trained from an early age to be somewhere on time and do stuff they dont want to do until they're allowed to go home. Abolishing school would probably create more welfare scum than there already is.

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    • Anonnet

      They can do that without sitting around doing crapall for 6 hours. Real jobs are nothing like school as it is, so there's no point in keeping this system going as it is. You can give kids structure without wasting their time, but that's what the current system specializes in.

      Unless you want to extend school to 8-9 hours a day and give the students large projects where they form their own "departments" and can only communicate to each other via phone and email.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I feel like most of school is pointless aside from math and history but I think my work ethic and good attendance come from my time at school. My parents never let me skip school even when they were aware id soon drop out and get my GED. Ive definitely taken that into my professional career where its trained into me to not miss work.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Ehhh. I really don't want to think about how stupid I would be without school. Both of my parents were highschool drop outs and my father is particular was a special education student. (He was also racist, but that's besides the point.) Public schools prevented me from being taught by people that have no business teaching others.

    I hated school and it definitely needs to be changed, but parents should NOT be responsible for teaching. Many of them are stupid.

    Edit: My father didn't even know what 5 x 5 was.

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  • litelander8

    Lol. Guess who makes the school books. Guess!

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    • Meatballsandwich

      The jews

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      • litelander8

        You better hope my home girl Wow doesn’t see this.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      Most of our schoolbooks came from Texas

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  • kelili

    I do agree. It's not normal to let strangers take care of your child's education. Here, home-schooling is not allowed. I mean there are no legal provisions for it and schooling is mandatory until 16 yrs. Some get out of the school system and don't even know how to read and write.

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  • Anonnet

    Even if you had a great time in school and everyone loved you, you should still want it abolished (or at least drastically changed).

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  • kikilizzo

    School is necessary for socialization. Some kids would never get healthy socialization without it and for some kids its a welcomed break from a bad homelife. The schools that shut down during the pandemic saw a very negative result from doing so to their students.
    This is a stupid take. School is important for many reasons. Only a stupid person would genuienly not see that. Sure there are flaws such as the holding back creativity and the issue of bullying which is far too common but that will unfortunately always be an issue as it happens in workplaces too. I got bullied myself for 10 out of 14 of my school years, I still enjoyed school.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Op impervious to rational thought.

    A true iin user.

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    • Retarded commenter wiping my jizz from his ball-sack battered chin while acting faintly superior.

      A true iin user.

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      • Tommythecaty

        “faintly superior”

        Understatement of the century 🤣

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  • RoyyRogers

    I don't think school is the problem persay but how we treat it is. They tried the idea of making school optional and a lot of parents simply said "I can't pay for a sitter". So In reality these parents don't give a damn about education they just need somewhere drop off thier children while they go to work. Ideally school should be optional, and kids should be able to choose what they learn. As well as we should be giving kids options to do outside of school like if they want to work or do something otherwise productive let them. We have a society that aims in destroying children but that just means we get I'll pepared adults.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Normal I suppose yet school is a good way of opportunities to have a career, simply put you should be a money lender, they don't teach that because people are so anti about it, nonetheless it's dangerous to sit a kid in class for 6 hours and 45 minutes with at least one stupid thing like he just sits there and can't go anywhere, if he tastes pepper he's going to run to the toilet to drink a mountain of water, then he learns to like hot spices until his housemate later in life hates that to which he unlearns his love for hot spices.

    It's as simple as learning to love useless, less advanced things, convention, and not hi-tech or more advanced things and not learning weird, strange, odd, or rare things, it's just your mouse-in-a-wheel endeavours/itineraries/extroversion, like a low-average, not a less-average-yet-average person, ugly like the kid in school with a crew cut, really in bad taste, having a barbecue, eating snacks, and having beans at camp, that's what school teaches, instead of valuable and not petty things, it even teaches you to be pessimistic about life and to judge people as right or wrong and as misappropriation, I think this is dangerous because getting out of this, just to be a realist is a dangerous position to take in front of pessimistic people.

    But schools have their uses, they teach you merely to be a normal, mediocre, less advanced person, and they shouldn't be abolished, I think education is to be encouraged, I wouldn't be going out using itineraries without school, and I wouldn't be writing notes to do things, brushing my teeth, getting dressed etc, "getting organised" if it wasn't for a primary school camp, it doesn't follow my natural inclination towards reason: reason dictates that a pocket organiser gets you set for all these things and gets you organised, the teacher's an idiot, she's stuck in her petty beliefs just to look down on me.

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