Is it normal i think native americans need to get over themselves

I don't understand why this is still an issue. No one alive today was involved in any massacre from the territorial days. White people have brought technology, business, literacy and wealth. Where I live, most of them get stipend checks, live on welfare and are given entitlements just because of their ethnicity. I am sorry but not every white person is out to get you. The US treats you better than most countries. Most countries slaughtered their natives and didn't hand out free stuff. As far as I am concerned, if you don't like where you live, then you can leave.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Ive been reading books lately about the native Americans. Some of those tribes like the Camanches weren't as portrayed being all free loving and respectful with nature. They kidnapped ppl from other tribes and viciously tortured them, they cut their dicks off and made them eat it and shit, tortured newborns infront of their mothers. They were major pricks. They were primitive as well. And other tribes actually fought with the whites to exterminate them. Its not so black and white like they make you believe.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Sounds a bit like you’re talking of the skinwalker legends too. Which is a few of their people being something akin to shape shifting necrophiliac witches that committed kidnappings and murders for tribes until they all became to frightened to use them any more. As they would turn on their employers at times also. They keep a lot of the lore close to their chests but it’s pretty fucking dark.

      But yeah totally, they were a warring and fierce people towards each other’s tribes. When people mention the massacres they forget how many white casualties there were also, a huge amount. They nearly fucked us completely without all the gunpowder, that’s fucking tough.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        EXACTLY bro, they were savages. Nobody takes pity on the friggin Nazi's for getting slaughtered but everyone wants to take pity on the natives because it fits their narrative. They were DICKS dude. They had slaves too and they treated them much worse. They didnt have concept of good and evil like the white christians did. They thought tormenting ppl was normal.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          they invaded north america and killed all the peaceful clovis people

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          • Tommythecaty

            Dos dAmn cloVises!!!!

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        • Tommythecaty

          I think having an understanding of the good/evil concept but doing it anyway is the issue one takes with the nazis and seperates them somewhat from those tribes. Nazis knew what they were doing wasn’t normal. When you’ve got to replace your own ss members because they’re unable to handle their own actions and committing suicide, you may be running a terrifying organisation lol.

          But the tribes behaviours were pretty darn horrific in their own right, no doubt.

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  • BleedingPain

    How would you like it if all of a sudden your home/land that has been owned by your family for generations was being disrupted or displaced for a giant pipeline? Im sure you would be guns a blazing, trying to protect your rights.

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  • litelander8

    I can agree to a certain extent. But really, Native Americans were slaughtered by every country that tried to colonize America. And also, they did better off without the introduction of “technology”.

    I think the biggest problem is that indigenous peoples are Still being kicked off their land in current times, in various parts of the world.

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    • LloydAsher

      Let's be honest the native americans never had a chance vs the colonial powers. There were no large animals able to be domesticated so large scale agriculture had to be done using slaves or not at all. A benefit to domesticating animals is the fact that you gain far more immunities to diseases which could of helped the natives (small pox would still be a thing but a greater survival rate would have been probable). Most native american tribes weren't the hippy bullshit people portray them as but as what hunter gatherers societies tended to be, a savage and clan based system with tribes killing babies and anyone over the age of 8, not to mention raping any women they pillaged. Of course most tribes did this so it was more of a "that's what happens when you are conquered" mindset rather than a tribe specific culture.

      A unifying force wouldn't of done much, the europeans had the overwelming technological advantage as well as the incentive to keep pushing (riches, converting, land)

      Now at least there are STILL pure native americans, not that it helps, for most of human history if your culture gets dominated usually it disappears within a few generations to the new host culture. America through all of its flaws still gave land to the natives, it was crap land but it's still land. Not shedding tears for the massacres because it happened 200-100 years ago and there are more pressing massacres to care about, in war it's all savagery no matter what side. So I'm not gonna side with a particular side when it comes to historical conflicts, they fought well but still lost, that's human nature in a nutshell give the best you have and you still might lose.

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  • Mammal-lover

    I got zome natives in my family and my best friend is dating a native. Yea if I learned anything from it their lives are actually very difficult. If you want certain perks of modern society like having a u.s id you need to live on u.s soil. If you do that though the tribe will write you off. Wich means no checks no nothing. Nit to mention the tribe lands tend to be scummy.

    Could just be in my area but yea

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    • geek_god_101

      Everyone makes choices. Either be paid to live in a third world country or make much more working for a living. If the tribe doesn't have much to offer, then it's obvious the direction one would go in.

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  • COVID-19

    I think it's very convenient for you that native Americans today make up a tiny portion of the American population (wonder why?) and you have the luxury of telling them what they can and can't get upset about.

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    • Correction

      It’s also pretty convenient how not a single white person can be blamed for the atrocities of their ancestors, but in the very next sentence they all get to take credit for the good things their ancestors did.

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      • COVID-19

        It's more about acknowledgement and reparations for the injustices of the past. I know this is a bad analogy, but it's like telling the Jews to just "get over" the Holocaust. Or people of color in South Africa to just "get over" Apartheid when many of them are directly or indirectly affected by those injustices.

        I'm no expert on American history, but from what I've read the native Americans were dispossessed of their land and then later granted areas of land to live in called "reservations". Then these areas were basically neglected and underfunded and the people allowed to descend into poverty and alcoholism.

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        • Correction

          I was talking about how the OP wanted to absolve all white people of responsibility for bad things that happened before they were born, and then in the very next sentence wanted to give white people credit for good things that happened before they were born.

          But yes, it’s a perfectly fine analogy. And you’d be surprised how many people actually say those things, just like the people who think that white and black people are equal now, just because slavery ended so long ago, completely ignoring the massive advantage that gave white people in this country(since most wealth is inherited), not to mention the systemic oppression and discrimination that was open and rampant(and legal) until relatively recently and still happens in many less obvious ways today.

          It’d be like if you were in a relay race and your team got a huge head start, then your teammates in the middle threw a bunch of chairs and other objects in the path of your opponents that they had to run around or trip over, then the person who was the final leg of the race just ran across the finish line and claimed it was a fair and square victory because they personally didn’t cheat to get the head start or block your opponents.

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  • howaminotmyself

    It is not about personal interaction at a time when you were not alive. That is just plain stupid. And talk about a people who need to get over themselves, white people are not the epitome of a moral compass. Being dominant does not mean you have more legitimacy or right to a land. It means you are dominant. To dumb it down, white does not mean better. Stop being confused by that. And they to have empathy for a personal struggle you will never understand.

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  • Clunk42

    If they want the land back, they can start a war and win. That's just how warfare works. If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. They weren't treated any differently than any European culture had been at some point up to that point.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Agreed, dude. Same for Sub-Saharan's. I'm thankful as fuck that the Romans came in conquered, enslaved and massacred my ancestors because their descendants were massively better off due to the technology brought over by them. And we're talking about ancient technology here.

    The people who were colonized, by and large, were massively better off for it in the long-term. Even with the revisionist history we have going round now the facts are so plain to see.

    Loads of native Americans hadn't even hit the neolithic revolution. Damn, dude, how backwards can you get.

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  • chrysocolla

    I live in a city with a large concentration of Natives and you're absolutely right. It seems mean to say but most of them really are losers. My brothers, my friends, the people I see loitering outside of my workplace smoking. They're given handouts by the government constantly but don't do shit about it. If you're a poor white where I'm from you're entirely fucked.

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  • Bazinga

    The white people killed the Native Americans with smallpox. They handed out blankets taken from homes in Europe where everyone died of the disease. There had always been brutal tribal battles, some Native Americans shot, and settlers massacred but GERM warfare was their doom. Alcoholism has claimed the few that survived.

    Be warned that China has studied this history. These historical lessons will be used by China to acquire world dominance in second half of the twenty first century.

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    • Boojum

      It wasn't just about European invaders handing out smallpox-infected blankets, although there are contemporary documents proving this happened in 1760 and there were later cases of deliberate germ warfare against the Native Americans.

      It has been estimated that up to 90% of Native Americans died due to epidemics of influenza, measles, small pox and other diseases that raged through the populations following the arrival of Europeans.

      One of the factors that helped the revered Pilgrims (who were actually a bunch of obnoxious religious fanatics) survive and prosper after their very poorly-timed landing at Plymouth was that they found an abandoned Native American village surrounded by fields that had been cleared from the forest. This was typical all up and down the eastern seaboard: Europeans would explore an area and encounter a few Native Americans, but it was clear from the clearings in the forest that there once had been a much larger population. Of course, the Europeans chose to see this as the hand of Divine Providence at work, but it was actually just a case of the Europeans being disease-infested and the Native Americans having no herd resistance to the novel diseases they brought with them.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        nah man providence is 50 miles southa plymouth

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        • Boojum

          From what I've heard, that Providence ain't exactly divine.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            its fascinatin and not widely known that providence is prolly the most mob owned & run city in the country


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      • Bazinga

        Yep. The Eastern forests of North America were dense and grew right up to the beach. If you were bad at deer hunting, you starved. In fact, a barrel of gunpowder was a year's supply of food. No wonder the Colonials went berserk when British Authority tried to confiscate their rifles.

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