Is it normal i really cant stand people

I do enjoy being social when it's reguarding games, sports, cards game. I have a few individuals I can tolerate for friendship. I have no social skills but I have learned to fake a smile, a handshake and a pleasant compliment to cover it up. Works in most situations. I work in an environment where I deal with lots of people but a month in I started sitting alone and started not wanting to socialize with coworkers. People for the most I view like sheep. They are niave, aggressive, impulsive and need constant supervision. I am constantly asked to fix everything for people and it's really the only true thing I understand how to do. Many of the people I pick to hang around I realized are patients or projects. I view them as broken toys I will repair and who will eventually leave me. This is normal in my world. However I don't have any other mode and I try to be social but I always reset to this mode in the end.

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 5 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Ratmanphobia

    Yes, so you come here to be with friends. Totally understandable. But your post begs the question: Do you ever get laid dude?

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    • I get lots of offers. Sometimes I indulge but it usually only appeases the other person. Like jacking them off, making out in secret hallway someplace. Sometimes this is me trying to look normal, fleeting attraction, or to uphold reputation of course. Sex doesn't really interest me, at least not in the normal manner that most desire.

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