Is it normal i realized i have no friends again but its ok

Thanks to my post I have now realized I have no friends.
It's about my friend who excludes me.
I have realized it's true i'm not a real friend to him in his eyes because otherwise he'd not exclude me.
Its probably because in his eyes I am boring. Because they drink a lot, party and I dont like those environments. I dont but im not judgmental. I would be able to have fun and do my best to socialize. And if he thinks its not possible then I dont need him. And not if he's gonna keep unloading his problems on me either but still not let me be part of his life for real like his other friends.
I recognize that I may be boring to some people but I dont appreciate being made fun of like he has sometimes made fun of me for not being more like him. I've never judged him or made fun of him.
It was him who wanted to be friends with me in the beginning and even though we had nothing in common I was happy because im lonely. All my other friends living far away. But its time to let this go as its not doing anything good for me. I dont want him to start including me out of obligation either. I've been so close to trying to change everything about myself and hating who I am so I might fit in better and be allowed to be part of the gang. But I am comfortable being introverted and I guess no good friend would make me hate myself. I did not want to see that we're not really friends because it was nice to have someone around and I focused on the better parts of it until I no longer could ignore how excluded I am. I will be much happier without that.

Thanks everyone.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • SwickDinging

    Good for you. This is really nice to read.

    I really hope you take on board the fact that he is the problem, not you. If someone treats you badly it's their issue.

    It takes longer to make friends when you aren't confident and extroverted, but it will still happen eventually. Good luck!

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  • LloydAsher

    You dont need friends if you dont need them. My girlfriend is honestly the only social outlet I actually need in life.

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