Is it normal i'm glad i haven't procreated because.

Of shit mental genes? Like, mental illnesses, mental disorders such as borderline, bipolar, narcissistic, etc - insert anything out of DSM-5 here - despite having great physical genes, both health-wise and looks-wise. Does anyone else feel the same? By that I mean, a responsible citizen who won't contribute to the chaos of our times?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • JustAHuman

    Earth already has plenty of humans.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah, that's totally normal. I don't know how people can bring a child into the world, fully knowing that they're going to suffer, just because they want biological children. It's fucked up.

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    • Yaidin

      Suffering is part of life. There are also many good things that happen throughout someones life. High gas prices aren't enough for me to give up on humanity

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Unavoidable suffering is unfortunately a part of life, avoidable suffering shouldn't be. It's unnecessary, and anyone who inflicts it on people for their own personal gain is cruel and selfish.

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      • Ihidabody

        "Painful" experiences are, not suffering.

        Even if it were to be a part of life, it's still doesn't make any sense to bring a child into this world, knowing full well that the little rat is going to POSSIBLY suffer in a world where suffering is far too common, as well as exploitation. But I suppose status means more than anything.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Oh..the irony.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think alot of that stuff is genetics meet the right environment and that creates mental issues that last forever. If you raise your child the right way I think you could minimize the chances of him having issues. You have to be strategic in how you raise the kids but we are in many ways a product of our environment. If you are willing to put alot of effort into being a good parent and plan how you will raise your child to be mentally and emotionally healthy you can do it. It will take effort

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