Is it normal i got dumped for living in a double house with my parents?

31 y/o dude here. I bought a giant house with my parents back in 2020 for 800k euro. I went in with half and my folks went in with the other half. The house is 222 square meters, divided into two separate 111 square meter apartments with separate kitchens and separate entrances. There is a dividing wall that goes straight through the house as it was built to be two separate apartments, it just happened that we bought both halves. There’s a door that can be opened to join the two houses into one (if you unlock it on both sides). That door is open for now, but we will lock it if someone moves in with me.

Now to the topic: a girl recently found out about my living situation and dumped me for “not moving out from home”. This isn’t correct in my eyes as I did move out from home, it just happens that my parents own the other house that is joint with mine.

Just shoot me already, man

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Comments ( 9 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    I feel like that counts as semi-moved out, you have your privacy and support yourself but at the same time if you wanted to move elsewhere would that be a problem? Would you be able to sell just your side of the house without your parents having to move (genuine question -maybe you can)?

    I feel her concerns were not that you are unstable or dependent but that you may be “tied down” and that your parents may play a bigger role in your life than she wanted them to. Basically it sounds like you aren’t compatible with her.

    Don’t let one woman’s opinion get you down, to many people a close relationship with your family will be seen as a good thing and if they have no plans of leaving your area the fact that you may be “tied down” won’t be an issue.

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    • Thanks for the awesome reply! I can indeed sell my half and move elsewhere if I want to, it can however be a bit harder to sell than a normal stand alone house. Stand alone houses here are about 350-400k euro for similar size as my half. Usually double houses like this one are sold to people who want to live close to their folks or people who want an extra half to rent out. In my particular case I decided to go for a double as the long term plan is to buy out my folk’s half within 10 years when I have more money. 👍

      The location is awesome too as it’s right in the center of the capital.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Sounds like a great set up and plan to me, I’m sure you’ll find someone who’s on the same page as you.

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    She's a disingenuous troll. That was just an excuse to dump you. You're better off.

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    • Thanks, glad to hear that she’s an odd one. I may consider selling my half if it’s a relatively common problem, but as for now, I’ll keep to my awesome plan of buying out the other half within a decade. 👍

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  • kelili

    Maybe she wanted to dump you and just couldn't find a 'good reason'. And you're very lucky to be able to afford a house at this price at such a young age.

    It's a very western thing to move away from parents once you've reached a certain age. It's not a thing here and it's normal for people in their thirties to still be living with their parents. Of course, it's not your case as you own your house.

    You should just move on. Her reason for ending does not make sense.

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  • Tinybird

    I'm 25 year old girl and I still live with my parents.

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  • Orphan

    Watch this, one day this bitch will be homeless and on the streets with black teeth

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  • RoseIsabella

    Forget about her, she's not the one for you.

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