Is it normal i don't like "hard working" people?

Don't get me wrong, I have a job and I work hard, but there are a few people I know who take it to an extreme (The 80 hour a week job people) and for the most part they always seem miserable, they whine and complain about how entitled everyone else is and meanwhile they are the most entitled of all

The way I look at it, If you wan't to work 80 hours a week that's your right, and congratulations on your expensive phone and nice shoes, etc, but that's all the extra hours of work are going to get you. If you blow all your money on unecessary stuff you can't complain about working too much. It doesn't make you better than other people, you just spend more time working.

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64% Normal
Based on 14 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • charli.m

    I was working a 70 hour week a few years back. It wasn't about the money, it was the fact I took on too much and it got to be overwhelming. For the last few years, I've worked increasingly less, but I feel like I'll never recover from the physical and mental drain of it.

    Then again, I am heading home from work sick, which I never do, so maybe I'm being over dramatic.

    I only work two 11 hour days and one five hour split day now, plus casual hours, and feel guilty that I don't want to take on more regular work.

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    • It's overwhelming for sure, and I don't hate on people for doing it if they need to, but certain people get all sanctimonious about it and feel like everyone should have to live the way that they do.

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  • barstool

    Yeah, I agree. Some people have no real choice and it's nothing against them. It's only when they act like it makes them better people or they think an 80 hour week should be normal that it's annoying.

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    • Algum

      I agree. I have noticed that the workaholic types are miserable, stressed, and impatient most of the time. But they also insist on staying that way, why would someone want to stay miserable? If they're working extra hours because they're desperate for money, way behind on bills, etc., that I understand. But the workaholic types I know we're talking about aren't working extreme hours for the money and some of them don't even need the extra money, it is a mental thing where excess working 70-80 hours a week is what they always want to do, but they are also always miserable. I don't get that either. I've known several people that fit this description. It's the word workaholic, it's something in their system, it has nothing to do with money stresses or being behind on bills. Like an alcoholic, it's something in their system, something they feel they have to do whether they have money or not. I guess I'm also talking from the workaholics I've known myself, like my step dad or a couple guys at my old job. One of them bought a Lexus, and he was talking about this new pool table he bought for his basement, so money for bills sure wasn't an issue for him. Then my step dad, I've heard him talk to my mom about a big savings account he's got. But still works 70-80 hours a week and he's always irritable yelling "Goddamitt!!!" over every tiny little imperfection in the world he comes across. I keep thinking "dude, chill out".

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      • Yeah exactly, if you're really that miserable maybe find a way to change your life, lower your spending so you need to earn less. Don't be a scab and resent other people for not being as miserable as yo are.

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  • Owl_Girl

    I think you may have good reasons, but I don't think you should accept hate as a good answer to their bad attitude. If they really are snobbish, then it's okay to be bothered about it, but remember that they are in constant stress and may not be in their best moral phase or position as people. Rather than hating them, I think it would be better to feel bad about their behavior, and pity how they resort to a sense of superiority; they probably don't do that just because they are bad people, but rather because that is an easy way to rationalize their unreasonable schedule and feel a little less awful about themselves, when they may not even see any viable way out. If they undermine others, make subtle comments about how everyone's job matters, and if they are "whining", see that as a sign that things are not well for them, offer them a hand to the extent that you can or is willing to, or at least some understanding, and suggest that they seek professional help. If they work 80 hours a week under constant stress, they are even at the risk of dying from the pressure. I have also felt like you several times in the past, but I think hating them is just as bad, perhaps even worse to some extent than their reactions to stress, so right now I try not to do so. Like charli mentioned, people who work like that may never recover, so I really think the effort of empathizing for them and helping as much as we can is worth it.

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  • Carlton03

    I definitely see what you are saying, I do however think hate is a bit extreme, for those who do work extra hard they however should be saving most of their pay Cheque should they want to work towards achieving something or reduce their hours in the mid - long term, I agree with you in the fact that the people definitely shouldn’t complain if they are choosing to work those hours, to those who do work extra hard and this is coming from a fellow very hard worker, well done but either work the hours for extra money and realize the rewards without complaining too much or don’t, SHUTUP and make less.

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  • Checkmate_King

    Screw that. You're dead a LONG TIME. don't waste it working or bitching about work. do your 8 then gtfo. You'll be a lot better for it.

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  • Rich_Guy

    I enjoy having people work extra hours for me so that I can make extra money from what they produce. Workaholics make the best employees.

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      no no no you is be lick my boss man yes is be biggest barstard

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  • Nickvey

    im not jealous of others , that can do whatever the fuck they want

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  • rayb12

    The complaining and irresponsible spending admittedly bothers me.

    Not the hours themselves though, I find it nice to go a stretch working every day for a month or so. The day's off I always do something cool, and I always value the time I'm off work. I also like the simplicity, and of course the job I'm working.

    But yeah, people sometimes are confused how I afford to rarely work, and think my parents support me, when really I just spend next to no money on clothing, and none on booze, drugs, tobacco, or really anything besides transportation and food.

    I find cheap deals and money adds up quick. I've lived off $10 a day this whole year and haven't earned besides a few DJ gigs in January

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