Is it normal i don’t judge miserable people?

I guess as I’ve gotten older I’ve become more cynical (maybe realistic.)

I don’t consider myself a miserable being, but a life a disappointment beyond my control (depression and some physical health) has made me understand why a person can become bitter. I truly don’t hold it against others despite them being unpleasant individuals.

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90% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • I do judge, as all do. And I do judge them as miserable beings, but I don’t hold that judgement against them.

    I’m friendly to them, but I’ve learned you can’t change constantly miserable people and they often turn on you when you try to cheer them up.

    I have 2 depressed friends that can be quite negative, and at times condescending towards me, and I avoid them for my own sanity. Nihilistic, negative people can get on my nerves.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    theres a limit

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    • I wanted to add that in my question.

      If they’re verbally or physically abusive and blame it on a “hurt,” there’s no excuse for it.

      I’m generally OK with unpleasant people if they don’t go out if their way to make others unpleasant.

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