Is it normal i didn't get carded?

I'm 22 F and people used to think I looked very young and I would often get mistaken for a high schooler. Any time I went to get alcohol or nicotine I would always get ID'd, but when I went to get nicitine pods at a gas station I don't normally visit the cashier didn't even ask for my ID and another time I had my ID ready and they didn't bother scanning it.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    The cashier was probably being lazy. Over Christmas 2018 I worked in a pharmacy that sold alcoholic gift sets and diligently carded everyone who looked under 30 but some of my colleagues would sell to people who could have been school kids. I think if you work there long enough you just stop caring.

    RoyyRogers makes a good point about our demeanour affecting how old we are perceived as, take it as a compliment that you carry yourself like an adult.

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  • jethro

    Maybe you finally look old now.

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  • ChrissySnow

    I always looked WAY younger than I was and for whatever reason I rarely got carded or stopped from going into adult only areas

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Maybe they forgot to card you. I still get carded for alcohol and lotto tickets and I'm in my 30s. I'm guessing they probably forgot or maybe what you were wearing made you look a little older and passed as old enough?

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  • my_life_my_way

    If it’s challenge 25 then they should’ve done, otherwise you probably just look your age

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Some people dont care. I use to buy cigarillos from this one tobacco shop when I was 17 (back then tobacco sales was 18) and he wouldnt card me. Eventually he randomly asked me how old I am he said just tell him the truth. I told him 17 and he just kind of laughed about it. That became my spot to buy. He wouldnt sale me alcohol when I tried tho.

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  • I don't drink often at all and I haven't been using nicotine regularly until somewhat recently, because i've been under an a lot of stress.

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    • RoyyRogers

      I think perhaps they go by demeanor. If you don't strike strike child you won't get treated like one.

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