Is it normal i can't get over an internet comment from six months ago?

Happened back in February. I basically got harassed and bullied and eventually deleted my account on that website. Not necessarily because of that but it was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. Site has a huge problem with poor moderation, hate mail, racism, and so on. One person said something that really got under my skin. I keep thinking about it even though I don't want to. It just pops up in my mind. It happened to me before but I got over it pretty quick. This one is persistent though.

I've wrote it out, tried to ignore it, pointed out the flaws and fallacies in what they said, but it keeps sneaking up on me for some reason.

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Comments ( 8 )

    Very normal to have lasting psychological effects from bullying. Sorry for you. One way to get over it is to consider the depth of depravity that the person must have and bring yourself to a place of forgiveness.

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  • Yeah I had the same thing happen to me as a teen. I got harrassed at a site by men much older than me. They made fun of me and harrassed me in forums, personal blogs on the site etc... and the admins pretended like nothing because they knew the bullies so they didn't care. They said "we cant see any harrassment" even when I provided them with links to where some of it was. I left that site for many years. I've been bullied in real life as well many years ago so I know how those things affect you. Things said to you can stick for life.
    At least when it's on an internet site you can just leave it and you can block those people, unless they're really sick and make new profiles to keep the bullying going.

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  • darefu

    If you're letting anything someone said to you on a site on the internet, you have bigger problems.

    You took the first step got off that site, but depending on YOU and your comments on other sites it will most likely happen again.

    Turn the computer off! If you are to a point of taking things personal and letting it effect you.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Do they have profiles on the site where you can see the individuals? If you could see who they are in real life I think you would laugh. Theyre probably a bunch of unemployed neck beards with terrible genetics and girl problems. You would see quickly that their opinions dont matter because they have more issues than you.

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    • They have profiles but a lot of people don't put their pictures up.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Guarantee you they're shy and soft in real life. Their opinions dont mean anything because they dont mean anything. Ive never seen one halfway successful person that goes online tryin to put ppl down.

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  • Tommythecaty

    That sucks, but ultimately good for you.

    People aren’t moderated in real life and you need to have thicker skin to function in the real world.

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  • Tinybird

    Same here with people who made a group to make fun of me and Gustav

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