Is it normal i am on this diet to lower my cholesterol it worked but i am unhappy?

I am lashing out at people eating regular food. My family is still not speaking to me because they bought me nonorganic spinach and we had a huge fight.My daughter and sister Never want to buy groceries for me again. I can't drink coffee which is really screwing with me. I am really depressed about thanksgiving because according to doug the author of the phase one diet. All the thanksgiving food is bad.90 percent of the food we eat causes mold to grow inside our body. Even homemade cranberry sauce because cranberries are grown in a bog.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • charli.m

    Shut up, pumpkin spice. No one cares

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    • Beat me to it 😂

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    To lower cholesterol, eat healthy.
    You are neither physically nor mentally healthy.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I see you're at it again, Humptydumpty. What you need to do is grab your favorite snack, get your phone or laptop, sit back on a nice comfy chair, and watch a movie or some YouTube clips. Just relax a bit.

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  • noid

    I don't think either organic spinach or non-organic spinach would cause high cholesterol. This post is funny, thanks for sharing.

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  • nikkiclaire

    One way way to quickly kill mold is bleach. Try to incorporate this into your diet often

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  • JD777

    Sucks to be you.

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  • Boojum

    Just to balance things out, I'll lash out at you. I've lived with people who follow crank diets created by unqualified, self-proclaimed experts, and they can be a total pain in the butt. Your relatives have my sympathy.

    If you seriously had an argument over non-organic spinach, you've got problems. Rather than being all cry-baby about it, you should have been an adult and gone to the damn store to buy your own rabbit food.

    Doug Kauffman's fungus theory is a crock. He's a guy who came back from the Viet Nam War and - unsurprisingly - felt pretty shitty, and somehow he settled as fungus as the cause. There's no evidence that what he claims about "fungal overgrowth" is true, but like many diet con-men, he's got the patter to sell his particular brand of snake oil, so he's presumably done well out of peddling it.

    As for cranberry sauce promoting fungal growth because cranberries grow in a damp place, there is zero logic there. Commercial cranberry sauce is pasteurised during the packing process so there are no viable fungal spores in the sauce, but who knows what's in homemade sauce. Leaving that aside, think about the "logic" behind that statement. Cranberries do indeed live in damp places and many types of fungus also enjoy damp environments. So why aren't cranberry bushes covered in mold? If anything, that suggests cranberries have some mysterious ability to fight off fungal infection, and if you insist on believing Kauffman's brand of BS, you should be living on them.

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