Is it normal i’m envious that women can give birth

I’m upset that women can birth but not men.

I think it’s from the fact that I believe women inherently have more value since they responsible for the majority of the reproduction process. It is through them life starts.

Men need to find some purpose to have any value. Women naturally have value since they bring life into this world.

Giving birth is a female privilege that I envy.

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18% Normal
Based on 11 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • Ligeia

    What TikTok gym creeps? The women in skin tight leggings filming thirst traps at the gym and being mad that men were glancing in their general direction? I'm sure gym creeps exist but vast majority of people are there to work out. If someone is actually causing a disturbance, report them!

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  • bbrown95

    I've always been highly terrified of pregnancy and childbirth, and have no desire to go through them. I have had nightmares about being pregnant and going into labor, in which I feel nothing but sheer panic. I hate those dreams!

    It still takes two to make a baby at the end of the day, and I personally tend to think that the impact the parents have on the kid is much more important than whose body did what to create them.

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  • kikilizzo

    If there is one thing that could make me wish to be a man it would be not having to give birth. There is a pressure on women to have children and it can even be confusing to tell the difference between wanting children and just wanting to fit in and fulfill what women are supposed to do. Giving birth is incredibly painful. I dont look forward to ever doing it.

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  • Ligeia

    Opening the jar doesn't have to do with strength it's about skin - male skin has less stretch and more grip, vice versa for women.

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  • Wow3986

    Men do give birth you transphobic bigot.

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    • BleedingPain

      I think we should start gendering folks as XY and XX. You can identify however the frick you want, but you cant change the chromosomes you were born with.

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      • Wow3986

        You just hate trans people.

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        • BleedingPain

          I like you :)

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          • Wow3986

            I don't like you you transphobic bigot. What's next? You're gonna say you hate gay people? So not only are you a transphobic bigot but you're also a homophobe?

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    I don't have an issue with that. With that being said, I think we're done here.

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  • Ligeia

    I don't think anyone is justified in being a perv. Also, no one is justified in wearing those hideous leggings. Let's be honest, the only point of those is to get attention. Gym shorts are different, and I would never look down on a woman for wearing gym shorts at the gym.
    I'm sure 1weirdguy was joking and the OP of that post is an outlier. Like I said, people like that should really be reported. That doesn't mean women should avoid the gym altogether.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    "It's the staring for extended periods of time like a creep and taking creepy pictures that's the problem."

    The point still stands.

    "Men would stare and act creepy even if we weren't wearing tight clothes though. Upskirting is a thing and no amount of layers is going to hide our breasts."

    Ah yes, the "they'd stare anyways" argument. I never disputed that. However, the clothes you wear can increase or decrease that kind of attention.

    "Sounds like a problem on the part of men not us."

    No, it goes both ways. Stop with this thinking that it has nothing to do with you.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    That's not how it works. Common sense says that if you're wearing tight clothes, guys are going to stare at you. What do you think is gonna happen? If you don't want guys to stare at you, don't dress in a way that will grab their attention. Otherwise, quit the whining and the whimpering.

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  • BleedingPain

    Just because you biologically bring life into the world does not make you automatically more valuable.

    Plenty of women birth babies and are some of the trashiest humans out there. Absent fathers are high up on the list as well.

    What makes you valuable are strong genes and a high desire to make sure the life you make grows up to be a happier, stronger, better version of you.

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  • Ligeia

    Because it's not about "spreading muh genes." Fact is women are more involved in the reproductive and caretaking process, which is a sort of big deal.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Just go to the gym and work-out, and you'll catch-up to the average man in no time.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    You're right. A man could hypothetically impregnate 4 women a day, which is more than 1000 women in 9 months.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    No. Giving birth sounds terrible. Not envious of that at all. I am kinda envious of the fact though that they have stronger orgasms. But then again, they also have to endure periods, so I'm not sure how to feel.

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    • ibrokemyds

      the tradeoff is that it also takes us a lot longer to orgasm. i can easily spend 30 minutes masturbating before i cum

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