Iin,for people to dream about committing crimes

Im just wondering if any of you have dreams where you commit crimes or do things that are considered socially unacceptable.
Not asking because i have such dreams, but because there is something that i would like to do but won't because it is considered a crime.
I think that having a dream where you commit a crime might make you lose interest in actually doing it.
Of course, i know that it could make you want to do it even more, but i think that that would apply only to people who would likely end up committing the crime for real eventually because they would not have the will power to contol themselves, being so weak minded as to think that they could do the crime for real just because they dreamed they could.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • JewluminatiTits

    Dreams are not directly related to what they are about. In this case dreams about crimes are typically because a person feels angry or depressed inside and the dream is symbolizing those inner feelings as real actions so, technically because this person feels upset or unstable on the inside a dream about committing a crime will probably appeal to them as a way to express their feelings and make them more likely to actually commit it. But, the people who have these kind of dreams are emotionally unstable at the moment and not just because they want to or have thought about committing the crime.

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  • KiwiWisdom

    Science believes our brain's ability to imagine is to provide a space to test the hypothetical to increase our survival in the real world. I have often imagined acts of wonton violence, but never acted on them for example. I've had dreams where I committed murders and ones where I was murdered because I missed one or two things. It's normal to use your brain for such, unconsciously or not. But yeah, you'd be really stupid to act on them. In fact, studies show that one of the biggest problems criminals have is a lack of impulse control.

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