Is it normal for my cat to sleep with me?

I wake up in the morning and I can hear purring and noticed that she's sleeping next to me and it probably meant through out the night she must've walked into my room and slept in my room which is probably why I could hear purring noises.

Is this cat behavior normal?

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Omg yes it's normal!! As long as your cat loves you! Does she have that cute little smile on the corners of her mouth?? You should put your ear on her tummy while she's purring, or wrap your arms around her while you're lying down! A cat purring is like the best wake up alarm ever!

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    • She had smiled while waking her up and while she went bunting on my desktop computer and going around bunting on my cupboard.

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      • Cats are literally the cutest, most loving things ever! I'm getting contact affection just from reading this 😁💜

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        • What I'll probably do now before I leave to go to work is to probably rub my head on her and then feed the little mischievous pet.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    She want love, give head pats.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's totally normal for a cat to be all up in your face, and up against you in bed when it's sleepytime. Cats really like to be warm too! You're cat probably loves you a lot! Celebrate your cat's awesomeness!

    My cat is up next to me right now!

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    • It's just so relaxing to sleep next to a cat 😸😌

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... or simply be next to a sleeping cat. ☺️

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  • SkullsNRoses

    When I was a kid and my cat would come and sleep in bed with me I’d pull the covers over him a bit “so he could be warm too”. He put up with so much of my nonsense.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    my dingo wont cuddle so im outta luck

    once in a great while he jumps onto the bed and lays down back to back with me but if i move he grumbles and jumps down onto the floor

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  • BleedingPain

    What kind of monster are you?! Gib da bibi smooches and pets

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