Is it normal for anti-racist people to be... racist?

The biggest thing I've noticed is some whites (in the US) who are extreme on defending black rights - they also dislike Asians.

Is this because of the racial tension between black and Asian? Are the white people literally picking a side (thus excluding another race)? They're not practicing the equality that they preach. Has anyone else noticed this? Why is there no discussion about it?

I understand there's racial tension between black and Asian (some people! not everyone is a racist ffs), but why do some white people defend the black race OVER the Asian race? Why choose a side?

("Extreme" meaning white people who are overzealous about black rights, always have strong opinions and criticisms, etc. I am NOT talking about people who participate in a civil rights march or generally oppose racism, as things should be. I'm only talking about extremists/Karen-type who are so hypervigilant about making sure everyone knows they're not a racist.)

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Comments ( 9 )
  • ospry

    It's rare for someone who wears the title of "anti-racist" to NOT be an enormous racist. Usually their racism takes the form of insultingly low expectations of other races, i.e. it's racist to expect Middle Eastern men to refrain from marrying and raping children because that expectation suggests they're capable of living up to the impossibly high standards of conduct that only white people can realistically reach, like don't rape children

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  • bbrown95

    In my experience, most people who make a big production about how they're "totally not a racist" usually are actually racist. No reason to put on such a big show if it's true.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    As I get older I realize that EVERYONE is racist and its some little game we play where we act like we arent

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    • That's interesting. I sometimes feel the same, like I'm getting older and I'm becoming more aware of how things actually are.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Even the woke white chics are racist in their own little way. You can tell by what they say they think black ppl are too stupid to do anything on their own and they need to protect them. And then if a black disagrees with them theyre dirt.

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        • bigbudchonger

          I saw something saying white liberals lower the quality of their vernacular when talking to black people.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I heard one white girl say somethin like "how do you expect blacks to succeed if we never teach them how to?"

            Its also interesting if you ever conversate with a white guy who grew up in the hood and dates black women. A friend of mine is like that and his kids are even mixed, his wife is black. But he understands the reality of the situation that he's white and he has to be extra careful where he lives because of it.

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        • I noticed this too. And that touches on my point how these certain white people (mostly women) defend the black race to the point they hold it in the highest regard to all others. And since there's racial tension between black and Asian, they condemn primarily east Asians. Of course they're too stupid to realize Pakistan, India, others are Asian too. But Pakistan's ok to them since they're predominantly Muslim.
          Their logic is so nonsensical! They literally pick and choose! I honestly don't have a problem with anyone.

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  • Possibly, I can imagine that plays a very big role.

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