Is it normal be this hungry all the time?

So recently I went to the doctor and they said they believe I have a stomach ulcer. So they gave me ulcer medicine to take for 2 weeks. After two weeks my stomach pain went away and I have been having very regular bowel movements. Which I usually have issues being regular. I just ate two boxes of cereal, two cans of beans, 7 cups of mixed fruit cups, 4 bottle of breakfast carnation breakfast mix, a box of special K almond/cranberry bars, and 7 slices of procietto, a pan of ramen and chicken, 3 eggs and a container of 10 sushi pieces. Is this normal? I feel Like there is a black hole in my stomach but I seem to finally go to the bathroom like normal.

Voting Results
10% Normal
Based on 10 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Rocketrain

    Dude you don't have a stomach
    You have a bucket..

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  • RoseIsabella

    Tell your doctor, and ask to be switched to something else.

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  • libertybell

    Are you on any other medications? There is a bad med called SEROQUEL otherwise known as QUIEPETINE (not sure of the spelling), that will cause excessive weight gain.

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  • Somenormie

    Reduce your calorie intake.

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    • How does that make me less hungry? I think you misunderstand the question.

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  • 1WeirdGuy


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