If you had to be a previous age again which one would it be?

For me personally I would be 8 again because of old memories I've had when I was young.

What about you?

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Comments ( 33 )
  • a-curious-bunny

    5. So long as I can keep my memories. Starting over from 5 I could get alot of shit done

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    • Hubbard


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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Would I be able to keep all my memories? If so, I'd choose to be 19. I'd remember to start saving for retirement early instead of pissing away money on helping deadbeat family members.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Sounds like a plan.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I'm like really far behind with that now. I didn't start saving for retirement until I was 30. Lol

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        • RoseIsabella

          ... but you're still ahead of me.

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  • Boojum

    I wouldn't want to revert to an earlier age without remembering all the facts and life-lessons I've acquired. It is indeed true that youth is wasted on the young.

    If I could retain everything I know, I'd go all the way back to when I was sixteen.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Sometimes I think I'd go back to eleven, but only if I could retain all the knowledge, and wisdom I've managed to gather as a fifty year old. Although today I'm no longer fifty. Today I am fifty-one.

      I'm not very happy about being older, but I guess it beats the alternative.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        It's your birthday?

        Happy Birthday!

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        • RoseIsabella

          Thanks, sugar! 🤗

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            You're welcome.

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      • thepuppet

        Happy birthday, though

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        • RoseIsabella


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  • SwickDinging

    I'd be 30. I looked damn fine that year.

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  • raisinbran

    11, with the knowledge I wouldn’t go to prison for killing a bunch of classmates.

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  • LOLFanProductions

    If only I could go back to my teens to prevent anything cringey from happening.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Do I still get to keep my new memories?

    If so. Then 1 1/2 cause that's when I obtained sentience & I would like to relive my life with my future life's memories.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Only worth doing if I could maintain my current knowledge.

    IF that were the case: I'd choose age 11 when I started to sexually mature. It'd be so nice to go through that understanding sex, how to treat young ladies properly, the importance of taking several months to build a relationship first, and good healthy and safe sex habits.

    The other benefit is that it's likely that I'd start a business by age 16 and be financially independent either by the time I graduated from High School or within a few years thereafter; and be able to live the rest of my life not dependent on a job or tied to fixed hours. Lots of time to travel and pursue my hobbies, interest, and assisting others to do the same.

    Also, I'd most certainly take better care of myself as well with this 2nd opportunity and likely avoid several of the health issues I have.

    It's a good fantasy to have, Perhaps some day it can become real.

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  • jethro

    I would start around 6 or so just for a memory. Then jump to say 10 so I could do it right this time.

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  • Bazinga

    I would not want to live my life over again. But, if I was forced to pick an age it would be 35 when I had a two year adventure like none other.

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  • chuy

    like a said before in a similar qiestion...10 and under best years of my life.

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    I feel like going back any further would suck. things were pretty aight when I was 7-10 but after that things all went down hill, and idk if I want to relive that again.

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  • Meowypowers


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  • SomewhereNorth

    Sixteen, but with more knowledge. I was a really fucked up kid. Mentally and emotionally.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    28 because that is when I had the best time.

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  • ellnell


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  • litelander8

    Maybe 21.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Gosh, I'm not sure, because I really hated going to school. I don't think I really enjoyed dealing with my peers until I was in college.

    I've always had awful anxiety, and I just assumed it was because I hated dealing with all the assholes in school, but something kinda interesting was revealed to me a couple of years ago. I went to this nurse practitioner guy, and his assistant noticed that I had JVD which is Jugular Vein Distention. They scheduled me for a some tests, an echocardiogram, and an electrocardiogram. I told my folks about it, and they told me that I was born with a hole in my heart. I literally did not know that I was born with a hole in my heart until I was 48 years old, and to be honest that kinda pisses me off, because I can't help, but wonder if that could have had anything to do with all the terrible anxiety I've suffered for so many years of my life. I would sometimes get really anxious, look down and actually see my chest moving, pounding like my heart was a fist, and about to punch a hole through it. I never really told anyone, because I was a depressed teenager, and I thought no one would care, or that my folks would just think I was being melodramatic, or attention seeking.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe there was a physical/medical reason for my anxiety, or at least a condition that may have contributed to my anxiety, and worsened it.

    I feel that I'm older, and wiser now, but I also feel like I'm a shadow of my former self. I just feel very worn out emotionally.

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    • Bazinga

      Interesting. I was born with a hole in the bottom of my heart too. At age thirty, I started jogging and slowly worked my way up to 10K races. After a year and a half, cardiac muscle tissue filled in the hole. It was strange because I could feel the difference.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, I'm fifty-one now, but my father told me that the hole grew shut when I was a child, but I suppose some cardio would be good for me.

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        • Bazinga

          I'm always conscious of keeping a fairly good level of cardio health because it correlates with brain health. And, I am sharper and more insightful because of it. (Vitamin B6 seems to have a bit of positive brain effect as well). Next time you have an X-ray that has your heart in the edge of the picture, ask the radiologist how the filled in muscle tissue looks. They can tell you with real good accuracy.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I gosh, I don't know if I've ever had an x-ray like that. I suppose the closest thing to such an x-ray would be when I had an x-ray on my spine a few years back when my doctor told me I had cervical spondylosis which he said was osteoarthritis, disc degeneration in my upper spine.

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  • 32 maybe.

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