If you could change 1 thing

If you could change one thing about your childhood or childhood mindset or actions what would it be?

Example: studying harder in school. Listening to parents, etc

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Comments ( 16 )
  • radar

    I wish I knew my parents were crazy.

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  • Weed in my opinion is up there with the hard drugs. Opioids are the worst but weed makes you lazy. Coke gets a worse rep than it deserves tho. Anytime i do coke I get off my ass and accomplish something or go socialize. But it is easy to do it too much.

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  • Tinybird

    Have a childhood romance. Maybe then things would be different.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    I would have stood up for myself more and not been afraid to be myself.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I would have started brushing my teeth sooner. I didn't really start until I was in my teens and it's fairly noticeable.

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    • Try the crest whitening strips on Amazon. One pack of them will have your teeth pearly white.

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  • edgyqueerveganvampire

    NOT listening to my parents 😈

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  • Willybob2

    Maybe if I didn't try on my friend's sister's panties the first time my lifestyle and life would be different.

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  • shoka2322

    My childhood mindset was: I want to be 18 now so I can do what I want! I wish I would have enjoyed my childhood more instead of bitching about being underage. Nothing suddenly changed in my 18th birthday.

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  • LloydAsher

    Bullshit your confidence.

    I had zero confidence and I acted like it. Started to act like I had confidence once I had a bit of life experience around my belt but could of been more socially confident.

    Oh and get a subway rewards card, shit of saved me a hundred or two by now.

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    • Just curious this got me thinking of my own stuf do you feel more confident when you stay ontop of your TRT? I remember you said you took it. When I was younger I did feel alot more confident and confrontational.

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      • LloydAsher

        It was before trt. It was when I went through the navy (tell me I dont have high willpower if I succeeded in the highest physical fitness category with zero testosterone in my blood) I felt with enough bullshit to start to bullshit my own confidence.

        I can say that trt definitely made me more pissed off at things. But since I matured before getting testasterone it never caused a fight since I'm non confrontational, just the occasional asshole.

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        • But do you feel a difference in your confident levels when you take it? Maybe part of the confident issues is low testosterone.

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          • LloydAsher

            Eh didnt change much of anything. I mean I'm still male, testasterone doesnt make people males. The Y chromosome does.

            Just made me feel physically better, removed fatigue, got a healthy sexual appetite.

            Mentally really didnt change anything. That's why it was 100% in my power to do so when I was in highschool. I'm a cool guy compared to my loser highschool self.

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  • litelander8

    Definitely payed more attention in school. Not to get better grades Bc that has zero effect. But just to have learned more.

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    • I wish I had put more effort in not switching highschools. I had better friends at one highschool and they turned out better and didnt get into drugs like all the kids at the school I got moved to.

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