If person tells you she/he has mental health issues, what do you think?

No hate here, I myself battle with mental illnesses, just very curious! <3

Could I help him/her 8
Normal human being 14
Me too! 22
Ask for details 13
Don't think much about it 7
Better avoid him/her 2
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Comments ( 28 )
  • paracetamol

    I have anxiety and depression myself, but i am wary of people who i think are mentality ill. They tend to be very abusive. I dislike them tbh.

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    • bigbudchonga

      What mental illnesses have you found abusive people often have?

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  • paramore93

    If it was the first thing out of their mouth or they used it to define who they were "I can't help it I'm mental" etc, I'd be wary. It can also be dangerous for people with certain mental problems to be friends/in relationships. Most are just normal people though.

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  • 309uf2o38yf

    My first reaction is suspicion. I grew up with and take care of people with mental illness and there's little I hate more than fakers seeking attention.

    I have an ex-friend who loved to fake illness for attention and now I'm suspicious of anyone who likes to draw attention to their own illnesses.

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    • factcheck

      That suspicion is a big reason why so many people are reluctant to come forward and seek help.

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      • 309uf2o38yf

        Can't help it. Knowing her traumatized me. I've had to deal with very real meltdowns and psychotic episodes from family I care about very much.

        Then she comes along and manipulates her friends for attention for 3 years. If it were illegal I would've had her arrested (actually she was taken from the ER by police, but I don't know what became of it). We threw her from our home. The only disease she may possibly have is munchausen's.

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    • dontknowdontcare

      Again, i believe someone who fakes mental ilnesses isn't 100% right in the mind either.
      It might be for attention or other reasons, not something a 'normal'human does.

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    • Funstable

      Op here, I agree in some part. I used to hang out in one specific place where was a lot of troubled teens and everyone claimed they had this and that diagnosis but they almost always admitted they haven't got it professionally diagnosed because they "didn't need to see doctor or psychiatrist because they know it by themselves". I don't mean to be rude BUT. If you know you suffer from mental illness and need help, and you won't take the help you're being offered, then stop spreading how bad you have it. This makes me mad, when many people would and do give anything for sake of getting better. I've been around psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors and different support/social workers since I was 15, it was hard in the beginning. No one says it's easy but you have to try, or I won't have respect for you. Take my words as you like but note, I'm ready to help people if they want to change themselves. And I understand you may have had bad experience with doctors or other professionals, it may be too intimite things to talk about or you're too depressed get out of bed. But talk to someone, admit you need help, and realize that you can get better and very important thing to know is that there are horrible doctors and other professionals, can't help that, but you must realize, there are people who really want you to have a good life. Don't give up! P
      (Edit) I believe when people tell me they have mental health issues, I never start with the set of mind that they're fakers, that might be very last draw for someone, to ever seek help

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      • 309uf2o38yf

        I like this attitude. I have one family member diagnosed with bipolar disorder and she's in denial. Refuses to see a doctor. Her life is in ruins because of her mood swings.

        Another relative has schizophrenia and she's good on taking her meds and therapy. You could never tell she has it. When she thinks she's having a hallucination she'll ask us if what she's thinking is true. I'm glad she trusts us enough to believe our answers.

        Her son however refuses meds like his aunt. And it's impossible to calm him down when he gets scared. It takes him over and there's nothing we can do to help, we just watch him so he doesn't get hurt. One time I followed him 6 miles at night until he calmed down and we ubered home.

        It's easy for people to judge what they don't understand. This website isn't the best place to get support for such sensitive subjects.. too many dumbass trolls.

        I don't have mental illness myself, but I do support awareness and try to correct misinformation when I can.

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        • leggs91200

          Too many dumb ass trolls?
          Drat and I resemble that remark!

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          • 309uf2o38yf

            I apologise. I don't know whether your ass is actually dumb or not. I was just assuming.

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          • drat

            Me? How cute!
            I'm surprised I offended supporters of the mentally ill by saying their problems don't bother me, I guess the inability to give a shit gets no sympathy. 😆

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  • Lestat565

    We are all fucked up. Our parents were fuck up so we are fucked up and then we pass it on to our kids. And on and on it goes

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    • SwickDinging

      They fuck you up, your mum and dad


      One of Larkin's best poems!

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  • I bolt. I used to be Mr. Everybodysfriend but I've learned that other people's problems can adversely affect your life. You must stay away from people with too many problems or some of those problems will become your own.

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    • leggs91200

      That is why I say there is no such thing as a "non-communicable" illness/disease or whatever. If someone has something, you may or may not catch it BUT it will end up becoming your problem too.

      Well like say someone's significant other happens to break an arm. Now sure you cannot catch a broken bone from someone BUT you will be burdened a lot more because they are temporarily disabled.

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      • More truth never spoken.

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  • Funstable

    Yea I feel ya.

    And thank you for the apology, it's totally understandable that this kind of subject sparks hard feelings

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  • Funstable

    I find that sad, and yes like you said, he might be a horrible human being but knowing there are people like this who don't seem to have a place in world anymore, makes me sad. That's why most of the people want to keep ears and eyes closed, to avoid knowledging these unfortunate lifes. And can't deny, I hate being sad too.

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  • 309uf2o38yf

    I don't feel like an asshole, so no problem there.

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  • RoseIsabella

    If a person tells me that he, it she has a mental illness I think, "thanks for the heads up". I think that person probably trusts me way too much for someone they just met, and then I think that I hope that person doesn't go around telling everyone that they meet, because people are fickle. I worry for the person who is too quick to confide into me about about mental illness, because the stigma is enormous. I also think I need to watch myself, and not be too quick to confide into that person about my own mental health issues, because he, or she might be a gossip, and I'm not trying to put my shit out in the street.

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    • leggs91200

      "not trying to put my shit out in the street."

      I just imagine a woman walking to the end of her property and just casually laying a turd on the road.

      I know, weird thought.

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      • RoseIsabella

        ROTFL! 🤣

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  • leggs91200

    if someone tells me they have some mental problem, i believe them but could care less. Depending on what it is, I likely try to avoid them. Usually if someone claims to be a nut case, it means they have other things going on.
    Usually that "thing" is they are trying to get on disability cause they are too lazy to work.

    I think having mental issues is more 2000's.
    Right now the big thing to have is type 2 diabetes.

    Well kind of like during the 80's the en vogue illness was AIDS.
    In the 90's, it was weird stuff like swine flu, mosquito disease, flying cow disease or whatever...

    I have have the time lines screwed up but yeah, there is always some "en vouge" thing they try telling us we all have.

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  • Funstable

    Like I said, you can take my comment as you like but I said nothing that would give an idea of life being a disney movie.
    But just about curiosity, tell me situations where you absolutely can not be helped. I know there really are those so tell me some

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  • SwickDinging

    Depends if it's a real mental illness that's been diagnosed by a doctor.

    There's a bit of trend of silly attention seekers self diagnosing stuff that they don't understand, and I would avoid those people just because they tend to be very annoying. And the "Personality Disorder" thing is especially irritating - that's not a mental illness, ask any doctor and they will tell you.

    I wouldn't avoid people with actual mental illnesses, generally - people who aren't committed to an institution are rarely dangerous, if that's what you're getting at. A lot of them live relatively normal lives, they just struggle with certain things, usually privately. Be kind to them, we all go through tough times and the world is harsh enough. It could happen to anyone at any time. Many of my immediate family suffer with mental illness and it's tough for them.

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  • Tealights

    Me too! Had that feeling a lot when I meet people lol

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  • drat

    Don’t give a shite since I’m not that close with anyone, and that’s my own “mental issue”

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