If human lifespans increased, what lifespan do you think is ideal?

Out of these choices if the AVERAGE lifespan could be any one of these and you would be healthy up until then as in you wouldn't be suffering from any kind of ailments, illness or pain before then what age would you ideally like to live to or think is a good lifespan for a human?

Let's also say at 90 most people still felt no different than they did at 50 so they didn't have any of the typical health issues the elderly face today. What age would you think is an ideal lifespan?

110-120 years old 3
120-130 years old 2
130-140 years old 2
140-150 years old 3
150-160 years old 2
160-170 years old 0
170-180 years old 1
180-190 years old 0
190-200 years old 2
200+ years old 11
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Whatintarnation

    I was listening to something on the radio the other day that claimed that a person that will live to be 200 is alive today because of projected advances in modern medicine. But we were supposed to have flying cars by now too. So who knows.

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    • allialli

      I feel like living to 200 would just be painful. They’ll probably end up wanting to die.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    For me personally, Forever.

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  • Sanara

    I think a longer lifespan is ideal. Not only can people accomplish more, but I think the average person would care more about sustainability and both protecting the planet, and try to help humanity itself i a better direction, if they think they may actually live through it themself and it not just "someone else's problem"

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    • Ihidabody

      You sound very naive, and this comment shows it.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman


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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I'd like to live forever as long as I maintain a modicum of youth. Cause you hear about these 139 year old Hindu guys and they look a damn dragur from skyrim

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  • Tinybird


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  • JellyBeanBandit

    For me, it'd just be forever. Maybe you should add that to the options.

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    The real key is how they’d feel because if you’re going to be bedridden or have all kinds of ailments then what would be the point.

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    • Sanara

      The post say you would be healthy the whole point. If I would be bedridden for the rest of my life I would not want to live beyond that point either.

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  • Ihidabody

    My answer: None of these. I think the life span now is good enough. To be honest, I think I would want my life span to be 60-80.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches


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      • Ihidabody

        It would only be sad if that was my lifespan and didn't consider it ideal. But I'd be happy with my lifespan from 60-80, so I really don't get how it's sad. Or is it sad because I'm saying something different than the average person who would rather live forever?

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