I wish i had a little brother

I'm a 25 year old female and I have an older brother and a younger sister. Of course I love them, but I really wish I had like a little brother, or even a friend like a boy who I had a sort of brother/sister relationship with. I really thought about this when my family visited recently, and I got to play with my cousin's son, who is 9, and we really get along. I never get to see him because they live too far away, and so I was really sad to see them go away, and I felt lonely. I really realised how badly I wish I could play with kids and how well I get along with them. But there's no chance of me having kids, because I am like a kid myself, and there are many reasons why I know I never will.
My brother is in his 30s now, and my sister is 15 and not as fun so I sometimes miss having a kid to play with every day. So I wish I had a little brother. Is this normal? And what can I do to feel better?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • ibrokemyds

    Have you considered volunteering with kids? I started volunteer reading to kids after moving away from home and my little brother and it helped me feel a lot better. It also gave me another thing to put on my CV so double win

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    • Yeah that's something I would love to do, but I just don't know what, and I'd need my mum to help me arrange something like that

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  • dude_Jones

    Start a social media site for little brothers.

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