I want to design prisons

I think that all cells should have a toilet in the middle of the room and a bunk bed with just 1 mattress.
I think that the activity room should be a few chairs and 2 posters which are ads an the outdoor space should have a swamp and 1 football which costs 15$ an hour to use.
I tried to send my ideas to the local prison but they didnt respond :/ Should I call the police?

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38% Normal
Based on 13 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • litelander8

    Yeah. Call the police. They’d love to hear your ideas!

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  • raisinbran

    Lame, I have a much better idea. You just have a lot of wet paper and pencils and force them to write without tearing the paper. They have to pay for the torn paper, it's more money than any football.

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    • Wow I love this. We should work together

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ive heard a lot of people here in the us say private prisons are better. They will usually give prisoners better stuff so they stop bitching i guess they just in it for money and dont care about punishing.

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