I usually weigh 60kg today it said 49kg.. i'm a 5ft 9 male is this normal?

I lost 10 kg... I changed virtually nothing in my diet that I'm aware of except for a big increase in my protein intake how did I lose 10 kg in a few weeks???? I'm underweight now I think what the fuck is going on

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33% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • olderdude-xx

    10 kg in a few weeks is an abnormal weight loss - even for people on a diet.

    I'd first check this with another scale. If this amount of weight loss is confirmed then I'd have a Dr appointment set up asap to look for issues (and tell them that you have had an ususal rapid weight loss)

    There are several medical conditions that cause rapid weight loss. In my case - it was the sign that I have become diabetic and my blood sugars were in the 400 + range. I had lost about the same amount of weight as you did in several weeks. It may be another medical issue as well.

    Validate that there are no medical issues causing the rapid weight loss.

    I wish you well with this,

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  • Update! Scales were low battery lol, thanks for the advice though

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    • olderdude-xx

      There are advantages to mechanical scales. I got tired of all the electronic ones failing or having weird readings... and purchased a balance beam "Dr office" scale about 15 years ago. I've never had any problems since (and have not had to replace a single battery).

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  • Somenormie

    Your weight should be fine if your weight is healthy.

    Don't go losing more you don't want to develop more problems.

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