I threw all my boyfriends stuff in the dumpster

He went on a 2 week vacation without me and I had major anxiety yesterday and threw out all his stuff, computer, clothes, etc. I can’t get any of it back, it already went to the dump. Do guys forgive girls for doing stuff like this cause they know they’re emotional sometimes??

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Comments ( 41 )
  • Clunk42

    It sounds to me like you may have just doomed your relationship.

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    • d0esnormalmatter

      Thanks Sherlock

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    • RoseIsabella

      Pretty much.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It looks like you just made a soon to be fulfilled prophecy. I'm not a guy, I'm fairly in touch with my masculine side, and I honestly don't think a male, or female's reaction would be terribly different based on sex, and or gender alone. If I were in your boyfriend's shoes, I would be completely finished with you, and I just might take you do court if I could afford a lawyer, or whatever.

    What you did was exceedingly selfish, and pathetic! It's difficult for me to find the words to describe how awful what you did to this guy was! I'm incapable of digging up any empathy for you at this moment, and I think you should be ashamed of yourself! It's better for a person like you to be alone than to have the chance to be around another person's posessions again. I'm sorry, but I don't think you deserve good things, you're really just awful!

    A smart guy wouldn't forgive, and forget. A smart guy would leave you, and completely sever contact for good!

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    • megadriver

      And sue her sorry ass for everything she's got. If someone did that to me and threw out all of my car keys and the folder I keep all the documentation for my cars, I'm making that woman's life a living hell, until everything is restored and I'm even gonna pull out the wimp card and make her pay for "emotional distress" and any therapy I get.

      I mean stuff ain't cheap, a good tv nowadays alone costs about 2 grand!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, and what about things of a sentimental nature that can't be replaced?

        I kinda think this post is just a stupid troll, because there hasn't been a response from OP to any of the comments. I certainly hope it's just a troll.

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        • megadriver

          I hope it's a troll... At the very least, replacing documents can be a real bitch.

          Cause when I think about it, most of my sentimental stuff are pictures on my computer and on a backup USB drive, then I have my high school and university diplomas, my military discharge document and my cat. All of those are things that can be easily destroyed by a psycho girlfriend and all of them are one of a kind.

          Guess I should be thankful my girlfriend doesn't care about either of those things and can survive on her own if I'm away on a business trip, or something XD

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  • woahtherepardner

    I'm a girl but you're batshit insane and if I were your boyfriend I would leave as fast as I could. He went on a 2 week vacation! He's allowed personal time! And you threw away all of his possessions?!

    This is more than being "emotional sometimes".

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    • RoseIsabella

      I think it's malicious destruction of property.

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      • woahtherepardner

        Intentional, too. POS

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        • RoseIsabella

          If she didn't wanna be alone she could have thrown a fit when he said he was going on vacation alone, and then just left him like a normal person. Instead she acted like it was fine when he said he was going on a vacation without her, then freaked out, and destroyed his property. Not cool.

          Like I said, I hope this is a troll.

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          • LornaMae

            I can't really defend myself on this one but I fucking Kelly-Clarsoned the shit out of the apartment I lived in with my then boyfriend of 7 years who dared break up with me over the phone after I'd been away for a month in Europe accompanying my dad.

            And it felt great, I must say.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Any sane person would dump you and sue you.

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  • pleasurehunter67

    Enjoy being single.

    He might let you keep your teeth.
    Pretty sure most guys wouldn't.

    Good luck. You should probably move out before he gets back.

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  • megadriver

    "Emotional sometimes" is writing angry texts, being jealous and arguing over nothing, acting like a 5 year old, when he asks you "what's wrong", throwing all of his belongings in the garbage is bat-shit insane!

    If he has half a brain, he will do the right thing, dump your sorry ass and sue you for damages.

    I couldn't imagine how pissed I'd be if I had to come home from somewhere and see all of my stuff gone. My tv and laptop alone cost 4 grand! And if any of my car keys were also thrown out, I'm gonna make that girl's life a living hell, until I get all of my money back with an additional 5 grand for all the nerves and stress.

    You need serious help! Cause today it's his stuff, tomorrow you might stab someone to death out of some fucked up mash of feelings you get.

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  • LornaMae

    A girl only does that with never getting back together in mind. Have you had a change of heart?

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I would probably punch a girl in the face if she threw away all my stuff. I'd never get back with a girl for that.

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    • Nikclaire

      Btw otherwise never hit a woman.

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      • LifeIsWhatever

        I'm female. But I think a guy CAN hit a girl, if SHE hits him first.

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        • Nikclaire

          Only for self defense.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            Yeah right, if a girl throws my shit away im fucking her up. She shouldn't throw away my shit because of her little temper tantrum. Some times women deserve to get beaten.

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            • LifeIsWhatever

              Sometimes not all the time.

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          • LifeIsWhatever


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      • Clunk42

        You know a rule that makes more sense? Don't hit anyone unless they've done the equivalent of hitting you.

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        • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

          Thats seems equal to me. Throwing away everything plus computers. Id mop the floor with her.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        *without consent

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    • Nikclaire

      This is the correct reaction as long as that girl is strong like me.

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  • Bazinga

    You are evil. Go to hell where you belong. Stay there for all of eternity.

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  • private3

    You don't even show remorse. Why would he forgive you? You're obviously crazy in a bad way and he should leave you.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Stop blaming your 'anxiety' for doing something that was just heinous, that was disgusting what you did. You deserve to be dumped and thrown in prison. At least act like a fucking adult and take responsibility for your actions.

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  • NormalAdventure

    Why didn't you just sell it all. How could he be so dumb as to be with someone who would throw out good stuff that could have brought in a few bucks? That could have paid for the electric bill and the monthly internet. He should dump you for sure because you are obviously not good with finances.

    Where did he go on vacation?

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  • Nikclaire

    Sounds like you are 17 and emotional. No don't do that. You might need mental help. For real.

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  • SwickDinging

    Sounds like you are a classic self-saboteur. You knew deep down that throwing away all of his stuff would end the relationship. That's why you did it.

    Take some time out to be single and focus on self love and building your self-esteem. It will do you the world of good.

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  • EnglishLad

    Where did the word "dumpster" originate from? In Britain we call it a "skip"...

    In answer to your question though, that's an extreme over-reaction to him going away for 2 weeks. Especially when he's told you where he was going.

    He most likely misses you just as much as you miss him, but as soon as he comes home and finds all his stuff gone, brace yourself for a tirade of physical/verbal abuse and a very swift breakup.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Alright who's the one hooligan who said normal?

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  • Cliche1234

    Any sane boyfriend shouldn't forgive a dumbass like you. I honestly hope you get punched right on your dumbass face by anybody in the future.

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  • Aethylfritha

    So youre the crazy ex everyone talks about.
    Unless he beat you or impregnated your sister, what you did was totally not normal. In any way. Good luck with that mess.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Hey OP, a.k.a. psycho bitch, how would you like it if your future ex-boyfriend threw all of your stuff in the dumpster, and then tossed you in there for good measure? You are the type of female I despise, because you're so desperate, and thirsty for male attention yet have no concept of empathy, or morals. You only care about how you feel, and then feel sorry for yourself, and whine to other women about how lonely you are when all of your so called suffering is of your own doing. Just because you are female is not a reason for me to ever feel sorry for your stupid ass.

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  • XYXY

    Sounds like you have committed a serious criminal offence in vicious, malicious circumstances. I hope he takes you to court and sues you for every penny you have. If you’re mad at him have a row, sulk, deny him sex for a few weeks, make him grovel for forgiveness. There are lots of ways to punish a man if you feel he has behaved in an unacceptable way, but you have crossed a line in an unforgivable act of malice and selfishness.

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  • bigbudchonga

    You better hope you're really really really hot

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    • RoseIsabella

      She probably is pretty hot, because she's hella entitled... the stupid, selfish bitch.

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