I think there may be a future in transhumanism

There have been many recent advances in prosthetics and artificial organ technology. These devices have greatly increased the quality of life in many people. People who were completely blind now can see via cameras linked to their nervous system. Prosthetic arms have become faster, lighter and stronger, and can be controlled with greater ease than ever before. There have even been mechanical bodysuits designed that could help emergency responders single-handedly lift heavy rubble off of injured survivors. But there are some who say that as we enhance our technology, we are losing our humanity. Now, obviously, we aren't going to turn ourselves into the Cybermen or the Borg. We're not not heartless enough to reduce ourselves to numbers(there are actually laws against numbers in a name). But where is too far? Personally, I believe that if we use good sense and sound judgment, there are many ways that lives could be improved by technological advances to the human form. Firemen with the strength of ten men. Doctors who can diagnose patients with sensors and optical scanners. I suppose you could say I'm cautiously optimistic. Leave a comment if you want, I'd like to hear what you have to say.

Think of the possibilities! 6
Only if it saves lives. 1
Cool, I wanna be Inspector Gadget! 3
You ain't gonna make me no god damn Borg! 3
I'm a douchebag who cares more about my penis than the future of the human race! 5
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Comments ( 21 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    I don't see why everyone is so against upgrading the human body. I'd go full robot right now if I could. The human body is such a nuisance. We have to constantly feed it, but we're programmed to crave unhealthy food. We have to sleep every night, but we get insomnia even though we're exhausted. We have to exercise, but it's tiring and uncomfortable. We have to constantly clean ourselves, shave, go to the bathroom, etc. In a robot body we'd just have to plug ourselves into the wall for a few hours a day to recharge, and we could just do that while watching tv or something. Not to mention all the extra benefits we'd get from it. Who cares if we're walking around in metallic bodies instead of fleshy ones?

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    • leggs91200

      Look how often machines fuck up though. Plus, a lot of minor injuries, flesh and blood and heal itself but machines do not fix themselves no matter how small the problem.

      Besides, machines, living or non-living,are designed to be in regular motion. We could not just rot away like couch potatos or facebook zombies.

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      • SweetTouch

        Lol yes, true

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        By the time we do become robots, we could have millions of tiny microscopic nanobots crawling all over us and inside us, repairing tissue and cellular damage. They could also be used to monitor and repair our robot bodies.

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        • leggs91200

          it won't happen in our lifetime.
          Fuckin excuse for a medical field cannot even cure most diseases nor cancer.

          All they can do now is mass-diagnose people with things that they have medications to cover up the symptoms.

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    • OlaftheGreat

      That's exactly what got me thinking about it! The human body is so fragile and has complicated needs. I'd rather be able to plug myself into the wall sometimes.

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  • Tato

    I agree with most of your points.
    I'm not sure about enhancing able men's bodies, but I'm all in for improving and saving lives. You gave some good examples on your post.

    About humanity, I get what people are scared of.
    I wouldn't want to see all kinds of unnecessary upgrades and modifications. On the other hand, using our intelligence and dexterity is only natural to us. That's why we're humans.
    In the end, I think it's inevitable that we'll evolve in some way or form.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I think there is but it's not something I would like to participate in. I am more for extending life through nutrition, stress relief and other natural ways.

    IE. Not working yourself to death.

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    • SweetTouch

      Yes it's true

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  • SKDM007

    Deus Ex Human Revolution/Mankind Divided and Detroit: Become Human all show a very good likely hood of what transhumanism will bring in the future

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  • TerriAngel

    Leggs hit part of it.
    Yes the science is there. Can you afford it?
    Or, will you be the minor girl in brazil in 2075 that robo-trump uses for one a night?
    His mind as fresh and twisted as always, but given a new form.
    Take your pick.
    Um, his pick.
    The Terminator.
    Justin B
    Progress is always available, the only question is.
    How much can you afford?
    Right or wrong, your question was answered before you were born.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if yall thinks about it a certain way yalls post could be taken as a pitch from a mad scientist or ambitious villan whos hirin help

    possibly related to the ape/man datin post thats currently on the front page

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    • OlaftheGreat

      I'm a sci-fi nerd, not a supervillain. I am intrigued by the possibilities, not recruiting guinea pigs.

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  • paramore93

    It'd be fine if there was space on earth for all the superhumans to live. We'd need a lot more space for housing. If we all live until we're 100+ we'd need ridiculous amounts of space to grow food and rear livestock. Our energy consumption would be I don't even know. If being a superhuman meant destroying any more nature I'd kindly decline.

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  • megadriver

    I was gonna go with the long no, but that last option was pure gold. So yeah, I want to keep my penis, thank you very much...

    But seriously, I don't think the future of mankind is for everyone to turn into inspector Gadget. I get using exoskeleton suits for demanding tasks and replacing limbs on people who've lost them. But don't you think people who've lost limbs, would like their flesh and bone limb back, more than the fancy swiss army knife cybernetic hand they have...

    Also if you were looking for pure efficiency, don't give firemen implants, replace them with robots... The idea of technology is to make our lives easier, not to replace bits of ourselves. I'm pretty sure the army will make fucked up human-robot hybrid soldiers with nerve suppression, pain suppression, a button that makes you fart on demand, all that crap. But this is not the right way...

    I was born a human with normal, biological everything and I want to remain a normal, biological human. I don't want to be half terminator...

    The only cybernetic implant that really makes sense are nanobots... Tiny robots that will help the body repair damage and generally keep you fit and healthy.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I'm more interested in transsexualism. Somedays I just feel like a zher.

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  • libertybell

    Maybe if they were half-human,half-cyborg hybrids. If we were mostly human, but had robotic limbs,that just might work.

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  • leggs91200

    Pretty much what JD777 said.
    If (or maybe when) such advancements took place, can you imagine having absolutely NO privacy? That would end up being part of the package.

    Companies would love such advancements because in their ideal world, the human race would exist only to make the rich even more rich. When you were not working 20 hours a day you would be in storage on a charger.

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  • Shackleford96

    "Now, obviously, we aren't going to turn ourselves into the Cybermen or the Borg."

    ^well that's debatable...

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    • OlaftheGreat

      I understand that there are people out there who would take advantage of others, but they are in the minority. It's human nature to care about others, people who don't often times were raised that way, or sometimes they just need psychological help.

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  • JD777

    It’s coming. And like other advancements, some will make the best of the potential and others will abuse it.

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