I think my creative side is dying?

All of my life, I've loved to write stories and draw. I used to get in trouble for it when I was younger, because I'd be drawing in class and not focusing on the lessons. My parents would sometimes punish me for various things by taking away all of my art and drawing supplies.
I still love art and writing, and I want to do it, but I just can't. I've been going through this for about 3 years now. Occasionally I can get a simple drawing out, but those are few and far between. I feel like my creative side is dying, but I'm not sure why.
I work full time, so I'm not at the house relaxing very often. When I am, I either don't have the inspiration or motivation to exercise my creativity, or I'm so frustrated with life that I don't even try. For the past few days, I've been itching to draw, but it seems like obstacles keep falling into my path to keep me from doing what I love.
Has anybody else been through this? How do I combat this feeling and get past it? Or should I just give it up and leave that all behind me?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • I gave up years ago for some reason I can’t even remember and can’t get back into art and it’s like I picked up where I left off but without even wanting to do it I completely lost motivation. It was one of my biggest hobbies and I seriously lost it. I still love doing some stuff but I can’t sit down and drawing something like I once could. So you’re definitely not the only one here but I do miss being able to have such a creative mindset. I feel like I lost a huge chunk of this talent and whole way of thinking.

    I love writing too but if I was actually good at it that would be a start but I don’t have time to sit and do that either. If I could go back I would of kept pushing myself to continue to win events and do all the things that excited me about art. But no matter how hard I try I don’t feel the same after ignoring it for so long years ago.

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  • LOLFanProductions

    It's probably because you put your effort into your job. Working full time can put a lot of pressure into your mindset. I have a similar situation going on. Except that instead of work, it's my relationship. I put most of my effort into my relationship and most days it leaves me exhausted. That's mostly likely due to not being a very social person.

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  • leggs91200

    LIFE robs us of our creativity.

    yeah when we are young, we have huge imaginations. Some isolated fenced in area somehow becomes this vast stadium. We dream of what we would do with a house if we could decorate. An abandoned building becomes some scary, mysterious thing.

    But then we get older and notice everything is bland yet he have no clue how to liven it up.

    So yeah, our ability to be creative or even have the imagination to try tends to fade away. It sucks

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    • spunkluvr

      Great post, thankyou.

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  • Then go to a hospital and ask if your creative side can be put on life support.

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  • It appears we’ve all hit a slump

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  • jellocatto

    Inspiration comes and goes. I'm a professional artist for over 6 years and I also had long periods of feeling burnt out and uninspired; every artist, even the most successful ones go through times like these. It is even said that the single difference between a master artist and those who failed is that the masters didn't give up when these times came.

    Here are some things that help me:

    - Try to remember what you loved in it when you were productive, why you started. Even write it down on a piece of paper what you love in creating.
    - Watch other artists, shows and play games that reignite that inspiration for creativity in you. Let yourself fantasise about making those things. Listen to good music, read books, browse Artstation; get input for your imagination and creativity.
    - Learn new things;for art watch Bobby Chiu on Youtube (he has videos on burnout and inspiration, extremely recommended), Proko on Youtube, or take Schoolism classes; for writing I know fewer options, but there is Terrible Writing Advice, Alexa Donne and the WorldAnvil Community I can recommend; stagnating your skill is a quick way to become jaded, while learning new things can quick-start your drive back on.
    - Try new things. Working on the same one story idea or only drawing the same dragons/wolves/whatever in a sketchbook will get old quickly. Do something way out your comfort zone. Either a new medium, a new project or just a new subject.
    - Join communities that share your interest. I mentioned WorldAnvil before, that's a mixed bag of wordbuilders, but there are many communities for artists/writers that are more specialised. Having like-minded people around you is important to keep going.
    - Try to be productive just 5 minutes a day. Just 5 short minutes, you can surely sit down for that long. Most of the time you would find yourself keeping at it if you are already there.
    - Sometimes you just have to force it. Art, literature or drawing is hard, it's a complex skill earned by years of training, it doesn't come easy to anyone. It's very rewarding and fun, but sometimes you have to push through the harder stuff too to get there.

    The parts where just everything seems to be so horribly timed and keeping you from getting back to doing anything: it's important to realise when you are burnt out your mind to takes anything as a good excuse not to do the thing. Learn to ignore it. Show them who's boss, you control your life, go and do and create anyway.

    My summary for you is:
    You can do it!!

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  • ghostsalad

    keep trying!

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  • LloydAsher

    I’ve had to keep my eye on my creativity to make sure I didn’t get stuck in a decline. Keep reading and learning and it should still keep rolling out new ideas.

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  • Its normal to be short of time, however that's no excuse. Inspiration and creativity are learnt habits. You need to set times and deadlines. Your stuff will start out like crap but get better as you exercise that muscle. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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  • brutus

    Its normal, stressful jobs rob us of our creativity.

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