I think i drank myself sober, normal?

Tonight I kind of went at it hard and drank a whole bottle of wine to myself (I know a bit sad) i was feeling rather drunk, but i swear to god when i finished my last glass i felt as sober as daylight! I never had this happen before. and Tbh it's kind of lame how sober i feel right now.


sorry for the obnoxious ALL CAPS, I just want to be sure <3

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Comments ( 24 )
  • Boojum

    Not possible to do that, but it's common for people who are totally shitfaced to believe they aren't really drunk. The whole point of alcohol is that it impairs our logical reasoning abilities, so there's no way a person under the influence can accurately assess just how intoxicated they are.

    If you ever find yourself feeling this way again, take a video of yourself talking about something off the top of your head, and try some of the classic field sobriety tests like walking a line and touching a finger to your nose with your eyes closed. I bet when you watch the video you'll see someone who is clearly drunk.

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    • While it may be the case for many, in this particular scenario I definitely wasn't shit faced, I mean I wouldn't drive, I'm sure my motor skills were still compromised.

      I had a huge and very serious typed conversation with someone during it, and I think maybe the seriousness of the subject matter maybe just made me feel sober. I read back after and it was all very clear and concise.

      It was just odd how incredibly sober I felt compared to just less than an hour before.

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    • Nikclaire

      Yes book it is

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    whole bottlea wine?


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    • oh.. you're one of those people who base their worthiness and/or manlihood on how much you can drink/tolerance. kewl

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        ive made more money and gotten more information from occupational networkin over drinks than anythin else

        the ability to drink a shitload and keep yalls wits is a very important skill in the bidness world

        the ability to turn around and not drink if not needed is a very important skill in the personal world

        nice armchair shrink routine though keep it up

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    • That's what I was gonna say

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  • I would be sober after a bottle of wine. If I sculled an entire bottle of red I would get a little tipsy buzz for 15 mins maybe.

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    • curious-bunny

      Dude that sounds horrible. 1 bottle of win is definitely enough for me

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      • It's why I don't drink as much anymore, I have a way too high tolerance. I can drink a 700ml bottle of whiskey and still be normal, apart from maybe a little more playfull and talkative. whereas a family or friend drank the same amout they would be fucked up. I don't get all wonky when I walk, I don't get violent, I don't get silly, I just get playfull... I still get bloddy hangovers though.

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        • curious-bunny

          Ouch sounds awful man! Like 5 fingers of rum later I'm pretty fucked up. And I have small hands Haha. Never gotten a hangover though thank God. Would suck to not even get drunk but still get hungover

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          • Yea it's to bad I don't like weed anymore. NO hangovers with that!

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  • TerriAngel

    Its a bit of a mind trick.
    Just chill out.
    main things:
    Stay home.
    Dont Drive.
    Youve reached cognative alchoholic status.
    You actually are functioning 90% the same as a sober person.
    But, you are legally drunk.
    Been there a few times.
    Number one rule dont drive.
    Yes, you could.
    Safely too. But if you get pulled over. Your life gets screwed.
    So, dont do that.
    Everything else is cool though.
    You may text some shit you wont remember though.

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  • Skyrim420

    You thought you were sober when you were really just used to the feeling

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    • no

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  • LloydAsher

    In all my notes of being drunk, I have never once drank myself into soberanes. Perhaps you lost so much inhibitions you simply forgot what it was like to be sober.

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    • Nope. but a good 'perhaps' non the less.

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  • I dont think you drank yourself sober. I think you slowed down the drinking as you went along and didn't realise it. I once drank a fifth of vodka in 3 hours and I certainly wasnt getting sober until I quit for the evening.

    The closest I've ever come to what you have described is a time once when I was younger and drank beer with my friends from 3 PM to 3 am and went to sleep. The next day I was so dehydrated that when I began to guzzle beer again at 10 am I could feel nothing other than if I were drinking water. My friends then told me I needed to rehydrate and gave me a lot of water. Strangely I began to feel drunk again as I replenished my water. I'm so glad those days are over.

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  • dimwitted

    I don't drink. Never have never will.

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    • What?

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