I smoke weed everyday

about 2-3 grams, is this normal, and how can I stop

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 1744 votes (1239 yes)
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Comments ( 66 )
  • shadowk3

    OK, I have smoked weed every single day, and been high all day long, for 9 years. I recently went back to school, a private art school to be exact. I currently have a 4.0GPA which is much better grades then I ever got 9+ years ago in high school. When I smoke weed I get motivated, I clean, I do homework, I design websites, I design graphics and I even thought up and started my own business while high. I have to say "Hmmaybe" your an idiot, are you reciting Refer Madness or something? It does not cause any slightest form of mental damage aside from short term memory loss, which returns when your not high anymore. Yeah it's bad for your lungs, no it is not bad for your mental state, it's good if anything. Granted some people become "burn outs" but those are the people who wouldn't end up doing anything anyway. When I don't smoke weed I am overwhelmed by the stupidity of every day people I encounter, which makes me a grumpy person. With pot I just laugh it off and move on. Weed is safer then alcohol, prescription drugs, hard drugs, and anything else really. Some of you really need to get over the 1950's stigma about pot. Yes if it is having a negative affect on your life cut back, if not keep it up. As for pot making you lose control of yourself, pardon my language but what the fuck are you talking about? Weed is in no way shape or form like alcohol. Alcohol gets people hurt, raped,date raped, car crashes, sick, poisoned, and more horrible things.....pot makes you hungry and happy. So you prudes and older folks need to climb out from under your rocks because it's going to be legal soon, then what will you do with all of the high dangerous mental cases running around!? oh wait..

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  • marijuana

    smoke on

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    • Shween

      I've smoked 17 years and still blaze AT LEAST 7 grams a day! 420 for lyfe!

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  • Chonga

    The cheebz is good but your best off just smoking on the weekends,theres nothing worse than building up a tolerance to the beautiful herb...that's when It starts to become a problem!

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  • wildmncastyl

    Everyone has their vise's, whether it be marijuana, alcohol, or wammy bars. (lol)

    If you don't have a center in your life, or a drive, then marijuana will get you down. If you're already lazy, it will make you lazier.

    My father smokes it, I smoke it, and we're both highly productive people. I exercise regularly, work, and love it. I'll admit I have had some problems with it in the past, but this all must be taken in stride. I was also a lot younger and less stable.

    I hate to say it, but the bottom line is there is a lot of stupid people out there. That's not my opinion, that's a fact people. You add an addiction to that, any addiction, and what do you get? The United States of America.

    Top 3% in this country make six figures, and that was 8 years ago, I'm sure that statistic has grown since then. Think they smoke pot? Think they want YOU to?

    If you don't have your shit together, then stop smoking. Get with it, or shut up. That's what I say. If you think it's because you smoke too much marijuana, then take a long look in the mirror tomorrow morning.

    That's it I'm done.

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    • themannyman

      umm... you do know that marijuana has no long-term harmful side affects...Right? and it is only mentally addicting, not physically, so stopping can't kill you. it has properties that help PREVENT cancer and can help with nausea due to chemotherapy. it raises creativity and it does not lower motivation, in my own personal experience it has raised it exponentially. I allways just think that if i work hard and make money, then i have more time to chill with my bud's and smoke a blunt.

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      • Hmmaybe

        Because consuming something toxic like THC never has serious lasting effects, right?

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        • themannyman

          THC is in no way toxic. it is in fact, very beneficial to the sick and to those in suffering. the only toxic thing about it is the unavoidable carcinogens from smoke, oh wait, USE A VAPORATOR!
          they make THC steam.

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          • Hmmaybe

            Excuse me, you can't just win an argument by saying something it isn't correct. The majority of scientific evidence shows THC to be harmful, just saying that it isn't won't change that. In some situations it may be of benefit, but taken in excess for pleasure, it can be very harmful. For another example of such a substance, take paracetemol. It's a good pain reliever when you take two tablets. Eight tablets will kill you pretty quickly.

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    • Hmmaybe

      obviously if you use it respnosibley, in small amounts it's not a problem, much in the same way as the occasional drink of alcohol isn't a problem, but taking either in excess can cause lasting damage.

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    • spurter126

      Twenty years ago smoking dope was cool You know Chece and Chong It was natural no harm Would not smoke it now Its full of shit Farmed under lights Given growth supplements Your smoking shit Look at all the people with Mental health issues Its toxic !!!

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  • Ganjalover420


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    • themannyman

      i second that motion good sir!

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  • LastBrian

    Can you hook me up? ;)

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  • hayleyyy

    I LOVE THIS! hahahahahahahahah.
    somebody who actually knows what they're talking about. (:

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  • iHate

    And the best normal thing you could possibly do.

    smoke weed errday.

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    • Errday


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  • forti101

    yeeeeeeeeeee i use to blaze everyday but this recession has caused me to reevluate my spending. Just keep it simple blaze on the weekends, you'll save alot of cash and be waaaaaaaayyy more faded.

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  • Everythinggoes;)

    Hell ya it's normal, live long and light up!

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  • ciano

    Smoking weed everyday isn't something everybody does, but there's nothing wrong with it. Smoking 2-3 grams a day, however, is extremely bad for you. It would be better if you kept it down to 2-3 bowls, IMO. Also, I knew a guy who started smoking weed after I met him. I respected and admired him greatly, but weed became all he talked about, all he seemed to think about, and all he seemed to care about. He kind of sucks now. If he sounds like he kind of sucks to you, I'd advise you not be like him.

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    • themannyman

      2-3 grams a day does the same thing as 2-3 bowls. the side effects of marijuana are as follows: creativity boost, open-mindedness, and a much more content state of mind. so your friend, rather than becoming a suckish person, is actually just accepting the world and seeing the truth. where as you, are still closed-minded and seeing only a narrow view reinforced by politics, peer pressure, and the media. also, marijuana has been recently proven to help prevent cancer.

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    • OsirisAndIsis

      very well put

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  • It's not weird. Not for me, but I don't dissaprove, ;)

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  • bigdank

    I have smoked top shelf chronic nearly every day for the past 10 years and I just finished a double major in business from an AACSB accredited business school in the US. I smoked weed before every class and every test except for math/finance/actg classes. Those classes I would NOT blaze it. I have a 3.4 gpa in the business school and a 420 mentality what can I say.

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  • Dreamboat

    Im a weedaholic

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    • themannyman

      good for you, it will help you avoid cancer, and make you more creative and spiritual.

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      • Dreamboat

        It does make you more creative but Idk how my life is gonna end up for me but I am currently going to college and am tokin everyday through a vape only at night times and it really helps out my anxiety and depression(thats why I use it) but is affecting my concentration at school and my grades are declining:(

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        • Errday

          your grades are declining because your probably thinking about smoking until you do. Especially if that is the only time you really relax. Your going to put a dependency on it which will show some slacking with grades but all you have to do is find a balance so your not always wondering where the bud at...

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          • Dreamboat

            Not really,Its like im high all the time if I smoke every night(only) even during the day and I find it hard to concentrate on anything at school or learn new things. Its like my mind is all foggy even though Im not thinking about weed while at school.

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        • themannyman

          everyday during school is not necessarily a good idea, i have admitted that it causes short term memory loss, and that may even just be remembering how to do somthing but having the memory be foggy. my advice is, write down EVERYTHING you can, maybe toke every other day, and have somthing to help you pay attention, maybe a reward, or punishment, or both. i've found that a rubber band around the wrist, and a bag of small candies help me train my attention/concentration.

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  • somaspecialist

    I think you should try to moderate your smoking habit....That's what i'm trying to do. I think smoking on the weekends will be great.....besides smoking everyday especially 2-3 grams......will lose its effect....trust me I know.....Its hard but try it....one week no smoking.....saturday comes....boom....your in orbit....you don't get that if you smoke everyday....maybe a little from the first high and that's it.....So finish what you got to do first.....then reward yourself by rollin a blunt......But I'll say this.....I will stop if it effects my family.

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  • Dan-the-Van-Vanson

    it's normal

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  • thejazzismine

    I did the same, probably more everyday but its NOT dangerous....unless you want to count developing asthma from so much smoke in my lungs.

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    • Errday

      your an idiot. the asthma your thinking about is from smoking Games or dutches(blunts). Not from the weed itself.

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  • Johnnytherat


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  • jamie550

    oh to the person who said u smoke 7gs of weed a day then you basically spend your day rolling and smoking.. sounds like a good life but also it sounds like bullshit to be honest... wish i had the money to get a Quater each day, also wish i knew someone with that much pot lol, your talking about smoking a whole plant to yourself in under a month...
    and the person who said smoking weed makes u loose control of urself REALLY angered me. i only ever wasnt in control when i first got high, i was crazzzzy lmao, but it was a good crazy, so many silly thoughts, wasnt like i was thinking " im so cold, why dont i set the house on fire " or "redbull gives you wings, so i'll drink a redbull and jump off the roof to see if i can fly" lol cmmon!! im sure people come here looking for help because of what the media says and people like you, your not welcome here, because you dont smoke the bud. your just someone who listens too much. were humans, to experince something you gotta try it... its like when someone tells you a joke, it can only of been funny if you were there at the time.

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  • jamie550

    I'm only 18 but I have had problems with Marujana in the past because I built up a tolerance for the drug and formed a sphcological addiction with the drug, I had to smoke it every night before i went to sleep just to get to sleep.
    I gave it up for half a year, and now i only smoke it on weekends, and ive been doing that now for around half a year. I smoke at least 2.5-4Gs on the weekends, which is alot if your only smoking it yourself. Recently ive been feeling paranoid and been wondering if its the good old herb. finally i came up with the conclusion that its just me growing up and being insecure, if you see someone acting paranoid then is that because there mentally ill or because theyre recovering cannabis addicts? no its because their human. idc what anyone says and im not judging, every1 has the right to express their opinion, but smoking 2-3Gs a day isnt normal, im suprised you even get high, weed isnt addictive, so i advice you to go without it for 2 weeks then after that smoke it on the weekends. When i have half term/holidays i always make sure i am doing soemthing active in the day, you may think what im going to say next is wrong but it isnt, i wake up thinking of weed, i do stuff in the day sober, then after ive done all my goals, i smoke a spliff, its so much more relaxing, healthy and theraputic.
    a few last things id like to say. dont smoke it if your head is not in the right place... e.g if you just killed someone then your best bet is to not smoke weed (a crazy example but im sure you chuckled)
    I think people who are "addicted" to weed are people who dont take time to enjoy the drug. oh yeh, if you got any type of mental problem then dont smoke weed, it will mess with you because its a phscological thing. Affects some but not others. Scientific evidence to the drug being harmful means nothing to me because i have a different brain from others and unless they expreiment on my brain with the drug then they cant say a single thing about the drug being harmful to me. end of.

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  • Spiralz420

    I've done a fair bit of research about cannabis and it seems to me that there is little progress being made from these online debates about it. Many debaters (including myself) inadvertently allow personal feelings to influence them, entrenching themselves in their beliefs. The same points and counters are made again and again and offer little new insight.

    Anyway, my thoughts about marijuana: it has both costs and benefits that vary for everyone. It's impossible to say which is greater for a particular individual without comprehensive knowledge of the drug and the individual. Although this perspective is somewhat chaotic, that no informed conclusions can be made about weed without more extensive research into humans, the link is probably more complex than the average person might perceive, so false conclusions resembling plausible truths are often made.

    Weed's illegal status leads to a black market with ugly consequences. The black market for weed is directly related to a lack of solid data about the effects of weed and about the market for weed. The lack of a "legitimate" market for weed and the stigma associated with weed's illegal status reduce the amount of interest in academic research about weed.

    All this sucks because it leads to a dearth of readily available, solid information for people to consider when they want to learn about weed. It's really hard for someone to make an informed decision about weed without investing a really large amount of resources into researching the subject. Plus, weed as an illegal substance and the black market generated by its illegal status lead to weed being sold at lower quality and higher prices than if it were legal. Moreover, illegality and the black market lead to a lot of other shit that burdens society (e.g. crime, law enforcement cost, etc.).

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  • blackalica

    LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE, ALL OF YOU!!!! sittin on the bean bag eatin some cheetos and some marshmallows smokin a dooby is NOT WRONG....occasionally.... its called spending your money wisely, yeah smoke weed but not everyday man. I personally LOVE the shit, but i can't do it everyday( some people can but for those people, and if they can honestly afford it without performing a form of deficit spending then this doesnt pertain for them). just, do it enough to make this bleak existence possible for you, then go from there:)

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  • Hmmaybe

    Please do not use "scientific evidence" as an argument in these sorts of debates until you know how the science of drug studies works. I recommend reading the book "bad science" by Ben Goldacre. It outlines how a lot of evidence in this area is majorly "tweaked" or played around with (this can be doen in a surprising number of ways) in this field of science.

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    • Errday

      HAHAHAHA the goverment does all those "tweaks" to make money. If you run the buisness that tells people to take your medicine your going to make sure everybody wants to take it. Ever feel sick then have people thinking your illness is 10x worse because of something you hear on tv? open your eyes.

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      • Hmmaybe

        The government doesn't do all the tweaks, the pharmaceutical companies do a lot more. Though, believe me the government would love canabis to be harmless because then they could legalise it and tax it 'till they're blue in face.

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    • themannyman

      most of those tweaks are to please the government, because the government helps with funding, why would scientists try to piss off the government?

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      • Hmmaybe

        The government would love canabis not to be toxic. It would mean they could legalise it, tax it like crazy and decrease organised crime. Plus the government spends millions each year on finding and destroying canabis farms.

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        • Errday

          no they wouldnt at all. they feel like legalizing it is like giving money away. They have no canabis farms under their own control and as of right now obviously dont control the whole profit. but notice how little things are changing? i go down to my local gas station and there is bowls for sale. hmm... that aint for tobaco.

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  • finnegan

    I really get spacey when I smoke a lot of weed. If you are getting spacey then maybe try to ease up on it a bit. but i understand. no judgement!

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  • Hmmaybe

    It's normal but it's not a good idea. Technically it is poisenous and messes with your head. While you're high on canabis you ould do things that you later regret because you are not fully in control of yourself. It can also cause LASTING MENTAL DAMAGE. Although this is rare it is possible so I strongly advise against taking it, or just taking less.

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    • themannyman

      it causes no lasting side effects dude. scientists around the world have proven it. in fact it boosts creativity, helps prevent cancer, and slowly opens your mind to new ideas and points of view. i know you must be thinking, "well if the government outlawed it, then it must have somthing bad, the government never does somthing for no reason." well im sorry to say it but they do.

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      • Hmmaybe

        Your right in that in most cases there are no long lasting effects. However in some cases, as it is a drug that affects the brain there are serious brain defects associated with it, scientific evidence has not proven this either way but it would be stupid to risk it.

        As for your point about creativity and open mindedness it makes you more easy to persuade and you may well end up doing things that you will regret when "sober" (probably not the right word, but I don't know the terminology). As for it preventing cancer: nutritionists have for a while been sorting every possible consumable product into two categories: prevents cancer and causes cancer, purely through observing correlation. In the vast majority of cases correlation is not down to causation.

        I have two things to say about the last point. The first is that the government could make huge amounts of money out of legalising and taxing cannabis and normally governments will do something that would gain them money (and probably votes from cannabis smokers). However they have not legalised it which strongly implies that they have an obligation (on frounds of the danger of the drug) not to. The second thing is to say that yes, they make Alcohol and tobacco legal even though these are as bad, if not worse than cannabis. This is illogical, but it doesn't change the fact that taking any of these three drugs can causing adverse, lasting affects on the body and brain.

        PS: the governments do lots of illogicl silly things, I completely agree with this.

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        • themannyman

          about first part: in my many experiences with this herb, it has made me not accept other peoples views, but to rather pick out the seeds of truth and add them to my own base of beliefs. also, the chemical in marijuana, THC, has been tested , and even in government labs, to help prevent cancer.

          about second/third part: I KNOW RIGHT!

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          • Hmmaybe

            Saying that you know right doesn't make you right. I'm inclined to believe the majority of scientific evidence not one person's personal account. There are people who have lived long healthy lives while smoking cigarettes, this doesn't mean that in generall cigarettes do not damage your health.

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            • Errday

              Cigarettes are 10x worse then weed. Any case of like lung cancer is from blunts that people smoke. They are technically 4x worse then 1 cig. jesus you know nothing.

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        • Errday

          you have no clue how much more dangerous alchohol is then weed. First of all with alchohol you lose so much more then when your high. If you black out while smoking then you are not smoking a little bit but instead massive ammounts. your not going to black out and do something crazy like alchohol can do. if you do pass out your just going to just wake up in the same spot you were sleeping at. you need to learn things before you speak. what you hear in school or from the goverment isnt always truth. Meh im not some hippie though i live like you should. Happy to be you.

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    • Errday

      jesus smoke for once. Drinking and smoking are diffrent things in so many ways! im 100% in control of myself when im high. 100%. it all depends who your with and if you can handle your shit. in studies weed improves your mental compacity. Learn before you speak cause clearly you dont know.

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    acquire some discipline?

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  • justwondering4

    Hey, I think you are normal. Smoke it up!

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  • GreenMonke140

    Invite me to your house and the weed will simply
    disapear. :D

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  • It doesnt make youlazy,

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  • Adennymint

    you don't have to stop smoking weed you can just smoke less. like once a week then once every two weeks and so on.

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  • LifeIsBeautifulSoSmile

    I happen to think it is very dangerous, and can hurt friends and family around you. Somebody close to me has been smoking weed every day for the last 5 years or so, and let me tell you...They're not the same person they used to be.
    It really sucks.
    My advice to you would be to look into more information about weed (there's many services available)...Just look into it a bit, and talk to a professional. From then you can make an educated decision, but you know my opinion.

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    • joshua1415


      I happen to think that you are an idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. Marijuana is not dangerous and it certainly cannot change someone's personality. I do not know why you are surprised that someone's personality would change over 5 years. This is completely normal and can only be blamed on changing views, life experiences, and adaptation. Do not try to blame this on marijuana.

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    • Ironwafflez

      weed does not hurt "family and friends". Your friend is probably either changing because he THINKS weed is changing him, because of people he wants to prove himself to, or even more likely: Its been five years, god damn it!

      People dont stay the same for ever, and you cant blame weed for something like that! At least 1 million of my former friends have "changed" completely going from good to bad or the other way around, without drugs at all.

      On the other hand, if he has done hard drugs, theres a good chance hes fucked for life.

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    • themannyman

      holy crap your brainwashed.

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  • Well, its hard to stop. I wouldn't know, but my dad smokes and I can see it hurts him and it probably hurts you too. I know anything I say will help you, but maybe you can read your addictions out. Read some books by Ellen Hopkins. These books aren't those crappy ones that authors think will help you. Her books are fictional, and well its about people doing drugs and love and how it can hurt your life. One book I recommend by Ellen hopkins is Glass...

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    • themannyman

      actually there was a man who was hopelessly addicted to heroin, who has admitted that he cured his addiction to heroin via psilocybin mushrooms and slowly stepping himself down off of the drug. also, tell your dad that it is only mentally addicting and that it would be perfectly safe to stop, im not saying it wouldn't be hard, but it would be perfectly safe.

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