I see the same person every night on my dreams

So, it has been quite a long time now (about 1 year) that I’ve been dreaming of the same guy again and again, I’ve never talked to him and he doesn’t really interest me, but I see him everyday at high school.

At first I thought that it was kind of weird and that I will stop dreaming about him but after 2 months, I started to be intrigued... I was wondering why I was seeing him in my dreams, and I really wanted to talk to him to know more about who he was, but he is the type of guy to be really extroverted, and he is always followed by a group of stupid girls, since I’m really shy and introverted I’ve never have the courage to talk to him. But I keep having dreams about him, and that’s kind of frustrating...

So did it happens to you to ? Or am I the only one ? :S

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Comments ( 9 )
  • LaughinSkull

    Neuroscientist here. There is a lot of debate regarding the function of dreams, and to be honest, the consensus seems to be that we don't REALLY know a whole lot about them (or sleep in general for that matter). There are a lot of theories that have been circulating in the literature (dreams are a way for the brain to work on problems, threat simulation, synaptic pruning and modification, etc.), but nothing is set in stone, and many competing theories have valid data backing them.

    The rule of thumb is this: In general, don't try to analyze your dreams. Often times, it doesn't appear that dreams are any real indicator of anything, and when they are, it can be quite difficult to accurately interpret. Recurring dreams are a bit of an exception to the rule, but how often is it recurring? EVERY night? Does the same thing happen in the dream or something different each time?

    My advice is to not worry about it.

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  • Ellenna

    One theory is that everyone in a dream is an aspect of the dreamer so maybe you'd like to be extroverted like he is but don't know how to achieve that? Jut a thought ....

    Another idea is to focus on whatever feeling comes up immediately you wake up after the dream and try and work out what that means for you. Just another thought ....

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    • I was thinking about that too, I’ve always admired people who were really sociable and extroverted, that would explain a lot of things!

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  • Tealights

    You probably have a crush on him.

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    • Damn, that’s quite bothersome :(

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  • RoseIsabella

    Try to talk to the person, it's only a dream after all. Research lucid dreaming.

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    • Ellenna

      I don't know much about lucid dreaming, but could OP create a dream where she asks this person why he's in her dreams?

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      • RoseIsabella

        That's what I was kinda hoping.

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      • Oh that would be really interesting, maybe I should try that, but isn’t it too difficult to have lucid dreams?

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