I pull the skin off my feet compulsively

For years, I have compulsively picked at the skin on my feet. It's pretty much the same thing for me as biting my nails or cuticles on my fingers.

I stopped biting my nails a few years ago, but whenever I would bite my cuticles, I'd end up chewing and swallowing the skin. Now I do the same thing with the skin that I pull off my feet.

For some reason, it's really comforting for me to do this. If I have a ragged cuticle on my hand, or a bit of rough skin on my foot, it really bothers me, and it's as if I were picking at it to try and smooth it off. If I don't do anything, it starts to really nag at me and distract me.

I know, the idea of eating one's own dead skin sounds really gross when I say it out loud, but the truth is, it feels really comforting.

Does ANYONE else do this?

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Comments ( 44 )
  • lasoma22

    I did this more when I was younger and not sleeping with people lol but still yes, it happens occasionally. though i don't eat the skin, i just chew it into smaller pieces and then spit it into the rubbish. i'm a bit surprised so many people do this as well lol but it does make some sense. anyone else always get embarrassed at the pool or whatever cause the bottoms of your feet were all white and unevenly textured?

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    • Prov3110

      OMG... I thought I was the only one that did this and felt that way... I'm crying right now. I really want to stop but I can't... I don't know what to do. My feet are bloody right now... I'm so sad.

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      • 5Stacks

        I do this too. I tear at the skin off the heel and it often times makes it hard to walk, the skin is so tender. I eat it sometimes too. It’s disgusting. I know. But you’re not alone. It also causes my shoes and feet to smell horrible, in fact I think my coworkers are starting to notice. I also notice that the skin becomes pitted due to moisture and bacteria eating away at it. I am trying to stop. I didn’t used to be like this. I haven’t let someone in my life for many years now, not because of this, but I’ve developed a few strange habits since closing myself off from intimacy and relationships. I spend most of my time alone if I’m not working, and I do weird nervous ocd behaviors such as this, or biting nails, or picking at my beard and finding the bald spots and rubbing them. God, I am a mess.

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    • thoughtfulopt29

      Hahaha that is hella true !!

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  • Nightshade11

    I thought I was the only one! I love peeling the skin off my feet... The only thing you have to be careful of is infections. I don't eat the skin, but me and my dad love to see how big I can make the peeled-off chunks!

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  • I do this also but I go a step further and I keep it in my old prescription pill bottles. I kid you not, I have a full container of dead skin next to my computer.

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    • simba1

      See? I told you you are a nutcase!!!

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    • Jen118584

      Wow, just when I thought you couldn't get more disgusting.....but, you never do cease to surprise me, Bud.

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      • Seriously, are you following me around because you have a crush or something? Thank you so much for your attention and you are sorta cute but I am engaged though. Please focus on some guy who will love you for you and not follow around guys who are taken.

        Thank you though.

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        • RoxyIsNotMyName

          I don't know who you are but ignore these ignorant brats, they are nothing more than a missed birth control pill

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        • Jen118584

          No, I follow you around because I hate you and I want you to be miserable.

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          • NopeNotNormal

            teeheehee Seems we all have a common goal.

            Anyhoo, WHY am I not surprised it stores diseased foot sheddings? WTF will it do with them later? Perhaps since it's a jobless failure it and Bethany will munch on them in lieu of dinner.

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          • simba1

            Well done! Why else would you do it? I totally agree. And to think he puts it down to you having some sort of crush on him is laughable. I have seen the way he talks to you (and others!!!) and have seen his photo. Even that looks creepy.

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            • Jen118584

              Right? If there's anything I just can't get enough of it's goofy looking, creepy, psychotic, racist, misogynistic tax consultants. He's every girl's dream!

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  • mnm18

    I have the SAME issue. It is an anxiety disorder. You don't have to be in a stressful situation in order to do it either. It can happen when you are bored, watching tv, or if you feel your feet and notice you have rough skin, (like me) I start picking. It is called dermatillomania. There is no cure, and it is not know out there because it is embarrassing so many people don't come out and say "I like to pick the skin off of my feet and nails and eat it". It sounds weird gross and disgusting but you're not the only one. and its not gross to you when you do it. But it isn't good for you either. The only thing I have found to help me is to go without picking for as long as you can, then get a pedicure done. It makes my feet feel so much better.And a manicure for your nail problem as well. It can be a little expensive but if there were a cream or medication I'm sure you'd pay money to get that to stop it too. So think of it as your medication. Also, try not to touch your feet or fingernails so you don't feel the rough skin cause you will start picking. Good luck!! :)

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  • DisturbedAngel666

    I Bite My Fingernails & Chew My Skin Off my Hands I Know How You Feel To Me It's Normal, I Don't Do It To My Feet Though

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  • UrbanArtLover

    I think you have Dermatillomania. PLease Google it.

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  • harachi

    I used to do this as alot as a kid. Loved it so much that I used to smear my arms with glue and wait for it to dry, then I'd revel in pulling it off like skin.

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    • simba1

      Yeah. I used to do that to. You have taken me back about 30 years!

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  • aspgirl

    I would occasionally take off skin, but I definitely wouldn't eat it. I do bite my fingernails. And sometimes I would pull out chunks of ingrowing toenail, rather than going to the doctor for it (because the procedure is far too painful). I also tend to pick off scabs sometimes as well, which means they take ages to heal. It's probably a compulsive thing. Everyone I know knows that I bite my nails, but only my mum knows that I "treat" my own ingrowing toenails. Apart from that, no one else knows about my habits. But I doubt if it's all that unusual, because loads of people do stuff with their skin and nails, etc. But I can honestly say, I've never heard of anyone eating their own dead skin. If I were you, I'd keep it to myself, to avoid embarrassment.

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  • UrbanArtLover

    Oh, and another thing i want to add in. whatever you do, for god sake, stay with skin picking. Please, please, don't start pulling out your hair. i have this condition where you have this unstoppable urge to pull out your own hair and eat it. It has ruined my life. for god sake, consider yourself lucky that you dont have this condition that i have.
    - UrbanArtLover.

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  • ThrowAwayAcc00001

    I'm 12 and have this problem, I pick off dead skin off my feat and sometimes eat it. I don't know what to do and I'm to imberieed to ask my mom. My dad dose it but he dosent eat it. Today i did it to the point where it hurts to walk I usually use toe nail clippers to get it loose the tere it off. I feel like there is some thing wrong with me and idk what to do about it. I know its gross but I still do it idk why.

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  • ldchester

    I also enjoy picking the skin from my feet. But, I don't eat them. I like having a collection of them ....I only save the really good ones :)

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  • smartyhands

    I also chew, eat, and swallow dead skin from my fingers and feet and find it strangely gratifying. I also consume various secretions (zits, sleep [look it up], scabs...) of my own and have observed others doing the same.

    This behavior straddles the line of 'normal', most everyone has done it, a good portion continue to do it, and a smaller portion of us truly enjoy it. I am also guilty of chewing/eating those weird things that grow on the edge of your fingernails, then going too far, and having bloody and sore fingers for a few days... If you are bleeding or sore after picking or biting, you are going too far.

    Nutritionally... I think of it as recycling. I actually have eczema, and I started by biting off the dead flaky skin I naturally have. No.... I used to bite (and eat) my nails, blisters, calluses. For me, it was also gratifying, though I can't say why exactly.

    I'm glad I found your post, just wanted to chime in, let you know that eating your pieces, while perhaps not socially acceptable, is not that strange. If you are not damaging yourself, this behavior is harmless. If you are, it is a problem.

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  • feloniousmaximus

    A few comments are almost there. I think what you really want to look up is excoriation disorder. I have it. It sucks.


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  • pinotgrigi-ho

    I used to but have managed to stop. I loved how it felt to chew on thick chunks of skin. My husband hates me picking my feet though, so I wear socks, and it's probably because I have less anxiety now, too.

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  • dexy77

    i do this too! off the bottom of my feet. i don't eat it though.
    my feet look all haggard and gross underneath but i can't stop!
    i started doing my feet so i would stop doing it to my fingers and cuticles - less visible.

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  • dchung

    i do it too.. Question: Does anyone use a nail clipper as their "primary instrument for destruction "?? .. it started when i was like 8 -9 with chewing my nails, then eating my nails, then toe nails and cuticles by about 12 -13, finally leading to foot skin by like 15.. I tend to use sand paper to buff the skin really fine, and use alot of lotion to try to give my foot a "clean break" from it, kinda thing .. be careful tho, cuz too much lotioning can dry your foot out, especially if you use oil based products like vaseline and babyoil

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  • N3VVRmiNd

    IDK if it's normal, but I do it. The skin on my toes have lost their natural pigment, but the skin tastes yummy :9

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  • humanmeatsuit

    I think this is so cool!!! I am not the only one on the planet who likes to pull the skin off the bottom of their feet! I don't eat it though. But when I discovered the shaver for your feet - I went nuts with it! Way too deep. My feet were so sore for about 5 days. But did that stop me - NO! I probably repeated that about 10 times. I was able to get about a cup of skin off of my feet! Amazing. I think we are just suppose to have a thick pad on our feet. But not to tear off. I am also a nail ripper too - but only one nail - the right hand ring finger for some reason. I have taken that nail completely off countless times. I am in the process of letting it grow back now - which is a big accomplishment for me. I do have an anxiety disorder and this is a classic behavior for anxiety sufferers.

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  • salmon232

    i do this too. idk why but i thought i was the only one. my husband knows i peel it but not that i eat it and im scared what he or anyone else would say if they found out.

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  • shanea5311

    I do the exact same thing as you, OP. I'm actually doing this now, the bottom of my foot is so rough that i will pick and tear the skin off, then i will chew it up into tiny little pieces and spit it out, occasionally eating it. i really would like to know why i do this=/

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    i do exactly the sam thing, i also hate it when i get out og the shower and the skin has gone white and is easyer to pick,my hands look awesful and i wish i didnt do it :(

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  • peregrine

    I also pick the skin off my feet. It's only the ball of my right foot for some reason. I pick it off and then chew on it. I love the texture and I love biting the skin into tiny itty bitty pieces. After I make it as small as possible I spit it out in a paper towel or the trash. It's amazing how I've done this for so long without ever thinking a thing about it. But when you say it outloud it sounds like the most twisted and disgusting thing EVER. I mean how in the heck have I not gotten some kind of infection, illness, or bacteria? I'm a smart, successful, normal individual. Why do I do this? I've picked at my right foot so much that it constantly hurts to walk on it and I limp most of the time. Nuts... Nice to hear that there are so many other folks that do the same thing. I knew that people picked at their fingers, but I didn't know that anyone else picked at their feet like I do.

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  • yoshimama

    i do this too! but i get to the point where my fingers start to bleed and it looks really bad. someone help? please?

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  • blondie-pie99

    omg i thought i was the only one that did this!
    try wear socks when u feel the urg to pick your feet it helps

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  • Foxie913

    I chew and swallow my nail clippings so whatever

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  • tintedcouture

    I have an OCD with chewing the skin from my fingers. The texture is kind of amazing, but I never swallow. It actually only happens when I'm nervous and agitated, so I don't think it's good for me at all.

    I just could never stop, so if someone can quit, let me know.

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    • natalieh222

      ever since i was little i peeled the skin off of my feet, and fingers and ate it. i used to stick four different pairs of socks on just to walk because i had ripped off all the skin off my feet and lie to all my friends saying i had stepped in coals as a baby and i just had scaring because it should up the worst while in the water. it all starts with biting your nails usually, it slowly progresses into skin biting, then compulsive eating,and then becomes almost like an addiction, etc etc. i finally stopped after my mother hounded me for months and months. but i still have scares and i now dread a loose hang nail because it leads me even now as an adult to do it and then it gets out of hand again. yes i stoped but it is a severe MENTAL struggle to stop yourself. it feels impossible to stop yes. but i DID stop, its not like i didnt fight myself and pick a little here and there but then i just wanted to more. so do your best NOT to even touch your feet, unless in the shower. get a scrubber and heel calise remover and once your feet are a little healed scrub them down smooth ever day in the shower, it IS a mental battle and yes it is slowly developing in small children and even whole family's. it is a mental issue, Literally. here is the Wikipedia link below, and keep up the good work, it feels impossible to stop but it isn't :) good luck!


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      • god, it is the EXACT same with me! I scared of going with others to the pool because i think others might see my feet...

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    • loverofpublictransportation

      I have chewed on skim from my hands and feet as well. It's a very interesting texture. I seem to have a compulsion to make my skin perfectly smooth. I often find myself picking off tiny bumps from my arms or face (with sometimes bloody results). Now that I think of it, I actually haven't picked at my feet recently. You just have to find something else to do. Wear really warm socks that you don't want to take off. Convince yourself that your feet are covered in gross germs that will make you puke. Find something else to pick at, that isn't harmful or anything- I like to pick orange peels to shreds and eat them. Chew gum to occupy your mouth, and read a book to occupy your hands.

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      • ThrowAwayAcc00001

        I have the same issue I'm going to try this. Thanks a lot!!

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  • HorcruxMyHeart

    I do this alot. I sometimes do it without even realizing i do. I sit there and pull of my skin while im on the computer and sometimes i even take the nail clipper and cut it off. I dont only do it on my feet. I do the tips of my fingers, sometimes my friends even ask me what happened but i just say i got burned because they are so red, and i do the inside of my cheeks. My mouth always tastes like blood and im afraid peopke can smell it, but i just cant stop. my fingers always hurt if i touch something the least bit hot, and they are in so much pain if i touch something like a soda. I cant even open s bottle on my own without being in pain, ajd my mouth byrns if i were to eat salt or lemon. I need to stop but i dont know how.

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    • ldchester

      You are way beyond feet picking. Do you have A DOCTOR? you need to find one, sweetheart.

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