I overeat when i'm lonely and/or bored

Recently I was on holidays to meet my family and friends and everything was good. I ate whenever they did and I often didn't even finish my meal.
But since I returned home I started overeating. When I'm not in work I'm at home and I feel lonely and my friends don't have time for me much so I'm just at home and I eat junk food and watch Netflix. I used to really enjoy doing fine art but since I didn't continue studying it and I found crappy job I feel like I am only failing.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Somenormie

    I have that problem kind of, instead of going to therapy I would go around and eat my feelings. Really bad idea by the way... but I try to cope with it differently.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You should probably find something else to do that will take the place of overeating. Look into finding new hobbies. Some people paint, some exercise, some will go out and do volunteer work. Find what works for you.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I wouldn't say that your behavior is normal, but rather that it is commonplace. Either way emotional overeating is an unhealthy, and very flawed coping mechanism.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Your eating to fill a void. You need to find something else to fill that void.

    Find a new hobbies, restart an old one. Start a new project to fix up the apartment, car, house, etc...

    Even start exercising as 1WeirdGuy says (who's not really that Weird).

    There's many things you can do that will be more healthier; and make you feel emotionally better as well.

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    • Man I tells ya a big fat rib eye with a baked potato and asparagus fills that void pretty well, for about an hour 😅

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its not ok nor is it normal. Don't listen to the people that tell you this is normal. They are fat.

    What you should do is replace the eating with working out and you'll get to see your progression. It doesnt have to suck you can get you a stationary bike and do it as you watch TV. You have to replace that void. After doing the bike for a few days you'll look in the mirror and notice your face tightening up. Then eventually youll start getting more toned. And then you'll see results constantly. Then you will have something to look forward to and a goal.

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