I need some adult help

Hi, I'm a 17 year old girl and I have reoccurring feelings of anxiousness, and suicidal thoughts, this combined with many unhealthy habits and emotions are what brought me to consider therapy. I rant to my friends about these emotions, but I don't want them to feel obligated or put them in that position, that, and there are just some issues I can't discuss with friends. I'm not looking for an immediate cure or pharmaceuticals, I'm looking for something, anything. I not only need someone to talk to, but I'd like to be given some guidance that most kids can't fully give. So, my friend suggested I see his therapist, the school therapist, who's said to be really helpful. I would consult my parents, but they find therapy to be taboo and think I'm gonna be put on meds, but even they agree that I'm an absolute mess. I saw the therapist today, she told me that because I'm 17, I'm able to see her at the local clinic without my parents consent. But there's one issue: I need an insurance card, and I don't have access to mine, my parents do. So that being said, I'm left with a few options:
I can get access to my social security number from my employer at work in a few days and see if that helps, or I can contact my physician and ask for that information, but I don't think they'd give it to me without a parent's okay.
I don't know much about insurance or how all that plays out, could you help me out?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • paramore93

    Hey I've been there, happy to talk if you need ..
    In the UK we have the NHS so I'm not too sure about insurance but at 17 I would have thought you are old enough to make these decisions for yourself and your parents should respect that ..
    Therapy is much more beneficial for stuff like this than meds (which just mask your symptoms) imo and could save your parents money in the long run ..
    If they still refuse to give it to you could you maybe apply for a new insurance card?

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  • Kevinevan

    Just give your physician you parents information, name and address should suffice but birthdates would help, and show them your id with the same address. They can look up the insurance information. Yes, your social security number is needed too.

    Best of luck.

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  • Running_with_scissors

    Smoke some weed and chillax

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    • Kevinevan

      Don't do this. Weed increases anxiety in many people.

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      • Running_with_scissors

        I could see your point, especially if someone has never smoked it before. I had stopped smoking for a few months recently and then hit my son's blunt randomly one day. And wow. I was out of my mind high. Like a high school student all over again. So yeah. I guess when you voiced it may be bad for anxiety, I withdraw my answer. Lol. Please, consult your doctor before self medicating with marijuana.

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  • CDmale4fem

    As far as I have dealt with my issues in life, I have been suicidal, and have dealt with depression. When I was in the Navy I was sexually assaulted by my "boss". When I and another victim went to others to report it we we're told "he's being transferred in a couple weeks". So I felt it was being swept under the rug. I went to the VA, and it was kinda the same. So for 30 years I have fought with drugs, thoughts of suicide, depression, been unable to maintain jobs because of the said depression. I would really suggest talking to your family doctor. It sounds to me like maybe being a teen, and society these days I think you are struggling back and forth with depression and or bipolar depression. I was on antidepressants for a few years. They did help alot. You didn't say where you live, but in the States, if you can get to a local County mental health dept. they can probably help or point you in right direction. The biggest thing I would say is don't hold it in, talk to parents. They need to ensure you can get whatever help you might need. They may not want to hear it, but wouldn't that be better than you feeling afraid to talk to them and then you would do like I did and turn to drugs to help me forget the depression I was struggling with. I also struggled with things because at age 13 I realized I was a crossdresser. Society is not anywhere near ready yet to accept guys that crossdress in private or public.

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  • Nickvey

    here is your number BR-549

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