I'm racist for helping my black neighbors move

I noticed a family in my apartment was moving and I offered to help. They were really nice about it and accepted. When I was done, a white neighbor of ours told me (i'm white) that I'm racist for helping the black family move. When I asked why, they said it was obvious I couldn't wait to get the family out our complex

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Comments ( 20 )
  • GaelicPotato

    Your white neighbour is retarded.

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    • Somenormie

      I second that.

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  • taebby22

    Similar situations have happened to me. Your neighbor who said that is probably the racist themselves for thinking such a thing. If I saw a black family moving, I'd just think "Oh there's a family who's moving".. Like, I'm not concerned what their skin color is.

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  • Kermitthehog

    Congrats you moved next to an idiot.

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    • Beneath, technically

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  • SweetNLite

    Breathing oxygen nowadays is racist. Did you breathe oxygen while you helped them move?

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  • KholatKhult

    This didn’t happen

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    • This ain't russia. we got black folks where I live

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      • litelander8


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  • jethro

    How long did you laugh at your neighbor for saying that?

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  • Holzman_67

    It depends if you were screaming that’s it get out as you loaded the last bit of their stuff into the trunk

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  • LloydAsher

    They were just retarded. I also dont know why you help random people move either. I'm not lazy or anything but unless I'm asked for help I dont.

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  • Tinybird

    This generation is pathetic.

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  • NoRestForTheWicked

    What was he thinking? They could stay even after their contract ended and they found a new place? They would stay if no one helped them move?

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  • RoyyRogers

    Tell them they are a racist for thinking because a niaghbor is black they don't deserve to be treated like one. Tell them that black people deserve the same consideration as everyone else. Tell them if they want to segregate white and black people that much to go back to the 50s where that outdated mentality belongs. Than poor cow blood on their lawn and when asked why tell them to stop being part of the KKK. See if that gets the message across. I'm not even Black and I hate this low key racism. "Math is racist, helping black people is racist". No that is saying blacks are genetically inferior and they deserve to be treated like second class citizens. Stop with this fucking bullshit because this kind of condescending bullshit is fucking OFFENSIVE!

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  • normal-rebellious

    To hell with the world, I don't have any worldly beliefs (I don't know what my beliefs are, except for pessimism), this isn't Australia, the USA is very sensitive about black people, you're beside a black community. Bend down and before you know it your pants are ripped, that's what happens when you're lifting boxes.

    I suppose it's easy to be a well-bred young man being kind to black people, they must like what you do, if not give them the finger.

    This you can give to anyone who doesn't like you, try going outside to breathe fat, oily polluted air, it's fat, it's not rare air. Where you live is saturated with chimneys, nobody says this but many houses in north America have smoking chimneys, thin ones nowadays, due to cold weather and thieves going in chimneys, the point is you're breathing in polluted air in the community of the people you kicked out.

    It's very easy to be racist nowadays, my advice to you is to just be careful what you say and do, anything can brand you a racist with the mention of black because of the media.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    were they movin on up to a deeeeluxe apartment in the sky?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Hell no!

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  • litelander8

    This world is garbage.

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  • kikilizzo


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