I'm less confident now that i'm 25

When I was graduating highschool and starting college I felt a sense of taking on the world. I felt like I knew myself and that my strengths would bring me strong friendships, a job I found fulfilling, & a long term partner whom I felt truly connected to. Now that I'm 25, it feels like I'll be lucky to get two of those, maybe even one. Is it normal I'm less confident now?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Welcome to adulthood, it only gets worse.

    Just kidding... well, maybe not.

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    • Alichael

      I felt better at 40 than I did in my late 20s, early 30s. I think that for me, part of the reason is that I stopped feeling the need to be pressured from society to look good, fit in and party, etc., dress the right way, see who could attract more women and get laid, etc., because that's what was still considered normal at that age and there was that societal pressure telling you you're not normal if youre not doing it. That's still there in your late 20s, early 30s, it's even worse in your early 20s but when I was under 24, 25, I was doing pretty good so I didn't let the pressure get to me. By my late 20s, I was starting to slip with how well I did in that world, but the pressure is still there at that age. By age 40, that type of pressure is gone from most people that age, so it's become more normal not to care about that younger superficial BS anymore. And I didn't care anymore, I could do what I wanted to do and it was ok by the norm now. I could do things I enjoy that other people would've judged me badly by at a younger age, such as in my case, it was totally getting into old 1930s film's and music, which I really started doing around age 40, and am still doing. I've also learned to play many 1930s songs on piano and I love it, and I don't care what others think of me on that.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the more yallre learnin the more yall realizes yall dont know shit

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  • HeyStinka

    i felt the same, but started to get it back in my mid 30s. its just a hump you have to get over and it happens when you feel established in job/life in general. you also will gain a much better understanding of yourself.

    and then the older you get, the less ef's you give :D

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Most people in society feel worried about job security and relationships at some point. Just keep trying.

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  • cipro


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  • McBean

    You need to find your place in the world. It may not be a happy place, but you will feel comfort from being there.

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